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Azra Hamidović

Azra Hamidović

Data Analyst



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Tableau Fundamentals

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Algorithmic visionary, building bridges between data and knowledge.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Course Notes: Building Dashboards with Dash and Plotly


Competition - Chocolate Bars


Exploring Astronaut Activities in SQL - Webinar

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

SixFoisSept | Mar 2023 - Present

Data Analyst

🚀 Unlocking Insights @OSAC (Office de Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile) As a Data Analyst at SixFoisSept, I've had the privilege to work with OSAC (Office de Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile) where I've been on a data-driven adventure, sculpting valuable insights from complex data landscapes. Here's a glimpse of my journey: 🎯 Risk Profiling: I've crafted intricate risk profiles (RBO) for 145, 21G, and CAMO organisms, enabling precise decision-making in the aviation security realm. 📈 Performance & Complexity: I've designed, computed, and seamlessly aggregated performance and complexity indicators, offering a clear lens into aviation operations. 🤖 Rule Engine: I've automated the integration of a rules engine, breathing life into a world of dynamic data processing and compliance. 🌐 Data: I've summoned data through APIs, ensuring a steady stream of information that fuels our insights. 📊 Interactive Data: I've conjured interactive dashboards (DataViz) that bring data to life, providing a visual feast for decision-makers. 🐍 SAS to Python Migration: I participated to the migration from SAS to Python, enabling a more agile and versatile data environment.
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Inserm | Oct 2017 - Dec 2020


UMR Inserm 1094 Tropical Neuroepidemiology Introgression phenomena in the study of genetic diversity of Toxoplasma gondii between France and West and Central Africa : possible environmental and human influences 6 months in Benin (Cotonou, Ouidah, Parakou, Natitingou) for sample collection, in collaboration with IRD Benin

มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ | Dec 2016 - Jun 2017

Second Year Master Internship

Toxoplasmosis in Thailand : An epidemiological study and exploration of Toxoplasma gondii genetic diversity in Udon Thani and Nan provinces 4 months in Thailand (Bangkok, Udon Thani and Nan) for sample collection 2 months in France (Limoges) for genetic analysis Collaboration between the Department of Parasitology, Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand) and the UMR Inserm 1094 Tropical Neuroepidemiology, University of Limoges (France)

AFNEUS | Oct 2015 - Oct 2016

Vice-President in charge of the AFNEUS Women in Science Project


Inserm | Apr 2016 - May 2016

First Year Master internship

UMR Inserm 1094 Tropical Neuroepidemiology Eco-epidemiological study of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite within farms in North Limousin (France)

AFNEUS | Nov 2014 - Oct 2015

Policy Officer for Education and Associative Development


AssESciB - Science Students' Association of Brest | Oct 2013 - Oct 2014

Policy Officer for Communication

Design d'affiches, flyers et logo pour l'Association des Etudiants en Sciences de Brest (AssESciB)

Sodexo | Aug 2014 - Aug 2014

Agent des Services Hospitaliers


Sodexo | Aug 2013 - Aug 2013

Agent des Services Hospitaliers

Travail saisonnier d'Agent des Services Hôteliers à la Polyclinique du Trégor à Lannion (Côtes d'Armor)

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master 2 (M2), Zoonoses and EnvironmentUniversité de Limoges | 2017
Master 1 (M1), Life Sciences and HealthUniversité de Limoges | 2016
Bachelor's Degree in Cellular Biology and Physiology, Biologie cellulaire et moléculaireUniversité de Bretagne Occidentale | 2015
Scientific Baccalaureat, Natural ScienceLycée Félix Le Dantec | 2011

About Me

Azra Hamidović

With a PhD in Tropical Parasitology, Population Genetics and Epidemiology, (tropical health, infectious diseases and molecular epidemiology) and a training in Data Science, I am willing to specialize in Health Data Science and statistics.

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