
Alexander Syrovatka
Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation | Saint Petersburg, Russia
My Portfolio Highlights
My New Course
Introduction to Python
My New Course
Introduction to Python
Inquisitive analyst, forever asking 'Why?' to uncover the truth in data.
My Work
Take a look at my latest work.
DataCamp Course Completion
Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.
My Work Experience
Where I've interned and worked during my career.
Main Information and Computing Center of Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation | Oct 2022 - Present
Data Analyst
LeMurrr | Nov 2020 - Present
Marketing Data Analyst
My Education
Take a look at my formal education
Bachelor's degree in Information Technologies ManagementGraduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University | 2018
About Me

Passionate about data and businesss alanysis, in order to find key factors and insights that would directly impact the business' effectiveness
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