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Alexandre Mondaini

Alexandre Mondaini

Data Engineer



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Introduction to Python

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Course Notes: Introduction to Airflow in Python

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Understanding Data Engineering


Introduction to Python


Course Notes: Introduction to Airflow in Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

The University of Hong Kong | Oct 2020 - Present

Bioinformatics Specialist

• I develop biomedical workflows for the analysis of next generation sequencing data. I have expertise in two different workflow management systems: WDL+Cromwell and Snakemake. • All workflows I developed using a variety of programming languagues such as Python, R and Bash are available in my Github repository. Finally, those workflows have maximum portability, since all the software is containerized using Docker or Singularity. I implement these workflows on premise using high‑performance clusters. • I also work using computer vision methods for computational pathology. The goal of this project is to segment histopathological images of cancer cells for classification of cell types. • Concepts: High Performance Computing (HPC), Docker, Singularity, Workflows, RNA‑seq, Deep Learning
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The University of Queensland | Jan 2020 - Apr 2020

Researcher PHD Student

• This PhD envisioned the study of combinatorial and machine learning algorithms used in evolutionary computing for the discovery of important biomarkers to improve end‑use quality in wheat. Unfortunately, due to family reasons related to Covid‑19, I had to stop the PhD. • Concepts: Combinatorics, Machine Learning

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) | Sep 2018 - Mar 2019

Assistant Scientist

• I published a research article on ”Selection Signatures in CIMMYT’s International Elite Spring and Semi‑Arid Wheat Yield Trials”, this manuscript covers topics such as Bayesian Statistics, Linear Discrimant Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Generalized Linear Models and Quantitave Genetics. • The objectives of this investigation were (i) unravel genetic population structure of global wheat cultivated varieties and (ii) identify genomic regions under artificial selection over time and through different environments. • Received grant to write the thesis from the (FIAT PANIS Foundation). • Delivered a seminar oral presentation in Saskatoon, Canada at the 1st International Wheat Congress ‑ IWC. • GitHub page related code: https://github.com/alexmondaini/Quantitative- Genetics • Tools: R, Data.Table, ggplot2 • Concepts: Bayesian Statistics, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Generalized Linear Models

MPIPZ - Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research | Jan 2018 - Aug 2018


• Worked on De novo genomic assembly of potato crop (Solanum Tuberosum). My duties involved assembling contigs into scaffolds with short and longs reads produced by Illumina and PacBio and develop python scripts to facilitate and parse large amounts of raw sequence genomic data.

University of Hohenheim | May 2017 - Sep 2017

Assistant Scientist

The goal of this project was to develop an algorithm using Python image processing library (OpenCV) to automate the recognition of seed colors using image analysis, the characterization was then used to estimate a degree of variability and biodiversity from seed color.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Specialization: Quantitative Genetics and GenomicsUniversity of Hohenheim | 2019
Bachelor's degree, Specialization: Agronomy and Crop ScienceUniversità degli Studi di Milano | 2016

About Me

Alexandre Mondaini

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