Aljoša Ortl
Consultant Analyst
Bank of Slovenia | Slovenia
My Portfolio Highlights
R Programming Fundamentals
Introduction to R
R Programming Fundamentals
Quantitative storyteller, captivating audiences with tales of data analysis.
My Work
Take a look at my latest work.
My Certifications
These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.
Other Certificates
Bluecourses Basic credit risk modeling
Bluecourses Advanced credit risk modeling
edX, IMF Macroeconometric forecasting
edX, MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
Coursera, Stanford Machine Learning
Cambridge University Business English BEC Higher C1
CEF Systemic Risk and Stress Testing
DataCamp Course Completion
Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.
My Work Experience
Where I've interned and worked during my career.
Bank of Slovenia | May 2017 - Present
Consultant Analyst
International School for Social and Business Studies | Apr 2016 - Jun 2019
Teaching assistant
Abanka d.d. | Oct 2015 - May 2017
Credit/Market Risk manager
NLB Funds d.d. | Sep 2014 - Feb 2015
Financial analyst
My Education
Take a look at my formal education
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