Anna-Lena Mädge
Brücke SH
My Portfolio Highlights
Introduction to Statistics
Intermediate R
Introduction to Statistics
Social Worker & Data Analyst
My Work
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My Certifications
These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.
Other Certificates
University of Helsinki Ethics in AI
University of Helsinki AI in Society
University of Helsinki Core 5G and Beyond
Harvard edx PH125.2x: Data Science: Visualization
University of Helsinki Elements of AI
University of Helsinki Building AI
University of the Basque Country Ethical and legal issues regarding ICT data protection, 4th edition
Coursera Google Data Analytics
Coursera Google AI Essentials
DataCamp Course Completion
Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.
My Education
Take a look at my formal education
About Me
As a social worker I learned to identify problematic circumstances in our society. Analysing and visualising can be very helpful for sharing my knowledge. I'm passionate about learning skills here at data camp.
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