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Amira Qadry

Amira Qadry

Data Engineer



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Introduction to Python

Statistical poet, weaving elegant stories with the threads of data.

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Understanding Data Science


Introduction to R


Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Digital Egypt Builders Initiative- DEBI | Jan 2024 - Present

Masters Student

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing ( Professional Program )

INJAZ Egypt | Oct 2023 - Feb 2024

Data Engineering Trainee

- Develop personal and professional skills and help obtain a job in a competitive professional field through training on the importance of work readiness through 4 skills: Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Innovation. - Design and Develop of Data Warehousing, Reporting, and Analytics solutions to address business challenges and achieve business objectives. - Design and develop ETL (extract-transform-load) processes to validate and transform data, calculate metrics and attributes, and populate data models. - Develop database including Relational DBs and NoSQL. - Design, develop, and maintain high-quality backend applications using Node.js and MongoDB. - Gain knowledge of computer science fundamentals such as object-oriented design, algorithm design, data structures, and problem solving. - Discuss software design principles. - Learn about the Agile methodology and the critical roles within the Scrum Team: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. Each role plays a unique role in ensuring the success of the project. The Product Owner is the voice of the customer, the Scrum Master guides the team to success, and the Development Team delivers high-quality software increments. Understanding how these roles collaborate is key to effective teamwork and project delivery. - Learn how Spark evaluates code, uses distributed computing to process and transform data, and works in the big data ecosystem to build data lakes and data lake houses. - Utilize data visualization tools like Power Bi to communicate insights effectively. - Participate in participatory workshops. - Delve deeply into strategic thinking and decision-making. In a vibrant, highly networked setting, improve negotiating, money management, and entrepreneurial abilities. - Map a problem from the business to a fully structured service from database requirements to business intelligence level, all the while visualizing the data to give it a specific, descriptive meaning.
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Campus Coder | Dec 2023 - Dec 2023

Data Science Intern

- Predict customer churn for a subscription-based service, such as a telecom company, using machine learning techniques such as logistic regression, random forest, and gradient boosting models based on various features.

Growintern | Dec 2023 - Dec 2023

Data Science Intern

- Create a recommendation system which provides suggestions to the users through a filtering process that is based on user preferences and browsing history. - Preprocess the dataset to create a user-item matrix and calculate item similarity using cosine similarity. - Employing the Surprise library, run the recommendation system script. - After loading and dividing the movie ratings data into training and testing sets, construct the KNNBasic model. - Determine the model's effectiveness by utilizing the Root Mean Squared Error, or RMSE.

WorldQuant University | Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Data Science Intern


CodeClause | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Science Intern

- Detect fake news using a PassiveAggressiveClassifier(PAC) by analyzing textual content to identify misleading or false information. - Perform sentiment analysis on tweets using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library.

TechnoHacks EduTech Official | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Analyst

- Perform Data Cleaning and Remove Duplication. - Calculate summary statistics and Use pivot tables to summarize data in a dataset. - Create a histogram or bar chart to visualize the distribution of data in a dataset. - Create a dashboard to display insights and visualizations from a dataset using Tableau and Power Bi

CodersCave | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Science Intern

- Demonstrates breast cancer prediction using Logistic Regression (LR) based on the load_breast_cancer dataset provided by the scikit-learn library. - Offer important insights on the hotspots of terrorism as a security defense analyst.

Prodigy InfoTech | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Science Intern

- Analyze traffic accident data to identify patterns related to road conditions, weather, and timezone. - Visualize accident hotspots and contributing factors. - Build a decision tree classifier to predict whether a customer will purchase a product or service based on their demographic and behavioral data. - Train DT classifier using the Bank Marketing dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

SYNC INTERN'S | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Machine Learning Intern


InternCareer | Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Analyst

- Explore the dataset structure, identify key variables, and check for missing data and outliers. - Identify trends among the top YouTube streamers, explore the distribution of content categories, and analyze correlations between subscribers, likes, and comments. - Analyze the distribution of streamers' audiences by country and explore regional preferences for specific content categories. - Calculate and visualize the average number of subscribers, visits, likes, and comments. Identify patterns or anomalies in these metrics. - Explore the distribution of content categories and identify categories with the highest number of streamers. Check for exceptional performance metrics in specific categories. - Analyze whether streamers with high performance metrics receive more brand collaborations and marketing campaigns. - Identify streamers with above-average performance in terms of subscribers, visits, likes, and comments. Determine the top-performing content creators.

Psyliq | Oct 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Analyst

- Add the eye-catching Sunburst Custom Visual to our report to better represent sales data in a hierarchical format. - Demonstrate the ability of DAX to display the Total Quantity Sold by sales representatives while elucidating the functions of row and filter contexts. - Use sales and quantity data to analyze the top 5 pharmacies and top 5 product classes, uncovering important market insights. - Unveil the Top 5 Distributors based on sales, demonstrating the strategic alliances we have built. - Investigate month-by-month and year-by-month analysis, piecing together total orders, sales, and quantities. - With Bookmarks and Buttons, navigate between various report states is made simple and seamless.

Psyliq | Oct 2023 - Nov 2023

Data Science Intern

- Predict stock prices using LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural networks. - Load stock price data into a pandas DataFrame, preprocess it using a MinMaxScaler. - Split it into training and testing sets, with 80% for training and 20% for testing, build the model using the Keras library. - Specify the optimizer and loss function, train the model using the training data, use the trained model for testing predictions, and evaluate its performance using metrics like MSE, RMSE, or MAE.

TechnoHacks EduTech Official | Sep 2023 - Oct 2023

Data Science Intern

- Improve machine learning abilities while working on worthwhile projects throughout my internship, including Fraud Transaction Detection, Email Spam Filtering , and House Price Prediction. - Utilize a housing price dataset with features like square footage and bedrooms to train a model for predicting new house prices. - Utilize a credit card transaction dataset to construct a model capable of detecting potential fraudulent transactions. - Utilize an email dataset to construct a model capable of identifying spam emails.

SYNC INTERN'S | Sep 2023 - Oct 2023

Artificial Intelligence Intern

- Work on worthwhile projects throughout my internship, such as Handwritten Digit Recognition and Plant Disease Detection, to hone my machine learning skills.

MeriSKILL | Sep 2023 - Oct 2023

Data Analyst

- Gain hands-on experience in all aspects of data analysis, from data collection and analysis to visualization and deriving meaningful insights. - Work on data-driven initiatives to help MeriSKILL achieve its business goals. - Develop skills as a data analyst.

LetsGrowMore | Sep 2023 - Oct 2023

Data Science Intern

- Learn about supervised ML algorithms, mainly how to load and handle data. - Try to find out the hot zone of dataset. - Classification Challenge using Tensorflow and CNN

I-Mole Lab | Jul 2022 - Jul 2022


from various domains through its graphical web interface. -Scripting with python Bioinformatics algorithms.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's degree, Computing and Bioinformatics  · (September 2019 - JulyCairo University | 2023
Associate's degree, Big Data Associate Level  · (December 2022 - FebruaryNational Telecommunication Institute (NTI) | 2023

About Me

Amira Qadry

Data Engineer and Data Analyst with a strong foundation in data analysis, engineering, and machine learning. Experienced in leveraging Python, ETL processes, statistical techniques, and various data tools to derive actionable insights and solutions.

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