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Ana Afonso Silva

Ana Afonso Silva

Data Analyst



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Shiny Fundamentals

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Data conductor, leading the orchestra of insights with analytical finesse.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python


Course Notes: Case Studies: Building Web Applications with Shiny in R

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Designers For Climate Studios | May 2022 - Present

Information Designer

As a specialist in data visualization, I am currently collaborating with Designers for Climate, a design and communications initiative focused on climate action. In this role, I have been honing my skills in data science communication and programming, which has led me to optimize design outputs and effectively convey complex information to diverse audiences.
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University of Lille 1 Sciences and Technology | Nov 2020 - Apr 2022

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc position in the project “Evolutionary genomics of royalty in Messor hybridogenetic ants”, in Dr. Camille Roux group at EEP-University of Lille and with Dr. Jonathan Romiguier (ISEM-University of Montpellier). During this project, I performed genome assembly for three ant genomes and tested levels of migration among lineages of ants that have social hybridogenesis.

Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale Supérieure | May 2018 - Aug 2020

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc position in the ERC project PANDA – “Phylogenetic ANalysis of Diversification Across the tree of life”, in Dr. Hélène Morlon group in IBENS. Additional four months under the iBioGen project (Networking for European Excellence in Island Biodiversity Genomics). The main focus of the project was to investigate the association between genetic diversity and speciation rates in mammals.

Australian National University | Aug 2013 - Apr 2017

Visiting PHD Student

All the PhD work was done with ANU as the host research institution. During these almost four years I was able to expand my population genetics and phylogenetics skill set by working with a NGS dataset based on exon capture. Besides developing lab work skills and bioinformatic skills, I also measured specimens from museum collections and prepared specimens when doing fieldwork. Additionally, I led a fieldwork trip in which the main objective was to perform thermal physiology experiments in the field.

Centre for Environmental Biology (CBA)/Lisbon University | Jan 2010 - Jan 2011

Master student


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Evolutionary Biology  · (março de 2013 - abril deUniversidade de Lisboa | 2018
Master's degree, Evolutionary and Developmental BiologyUniversidade de Lisboa | 2011
Licentiate degree, Evolutionary and Developmental BiologyUniversidade de Lisboa | 2009

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