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Anderson Chaparro

Anderson Chaparro

Telecommunication Engineer



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Track

Python Programmer

Data whisperer, decoding the language of numbers with finesse.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Intermediate SQL


Introduction to Python


Competition - Bee friendly plants

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

F1 Services & Solutions | Apr 2021 - Nov 2022

Software Development Engineer

Member of the development team. Python programmer, using the following libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, the SqlAlchemy framework, Kafka event driver, Rasterio, Geopandas. Design and development of two main systems: System to process data from the mobile network of a service provider. Program to receive two geographic coordinates, locate them on maps, and find the height vectors between the two points. Development of scripts to automate querying, loading, updating and deleting data in SQL databases. Design and construction of SQL data tables. Design and development of a code monitoring program to detect inactive functions within the system.
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Service provides to Entel Chile. I participated at weekly plannification of eNodeB installations with Ericsson technology. Throughout this process I worked together with civil work, electrical work, transmition and integration departments; before and throughout installation, contending with problems that showed up during it, and that could delay and impact deadlines. I was involved from verification and approve project proposal until new technology implementation including troubleshoothing. I made post installation documents that showed finished works according Entel standards.

Movilnet | Nov 2016 - May 2017


troubleshooting to all national base stations which had different technology like Huawei (GSM,UMTS,LTE), Ericsson (GSM,UMTS) and ZTE (GSM,UMTS,LTE). Working with MSC ALCATEL LUCENT, BSC and RNC HUAWEI. As well monitoring equipments CISCO and TELLABS which supported MPLS network.

ZTE Venezuela | Nov 2015 - Oct 2016


During my participation at this project I worked with multidisciplinary teams to achieve updating the whole mobile access network. The project involved coordinating differents installations crew for migrating of 2G, 3G tecnology and implementing 4G tecnology around all the country, as well to make remote implementation of base station already mentioned. Making montly reports for upper management of state company with the purpouse to achieves time and quality demands.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Universidad Nacional Experimenta Politecnica de la Fuerza Armada
Diplomatura, Comunicaciones MovilesUniversidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador | 2017
CCNA Routing and Switching, NetworkingCisco Fermin Toro | 2016
TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEER, Ingeniería eléctrica, electrónica y de comunicacionesNacional | 2015

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