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Data Analyst



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Certification

Data Analyst Associate

My New Certification

Data Literacy

Unleashing the magic of data, one algorithm at a time.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


SQL Associate

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Data Analyst Associate

Data Analyst Associate

SQL Associate

SQL Associate

Data Literacy

Data Literacy

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Orange Money Group | Jun 2022 - Present

Chargé de Gestion des referentiels de Lutte Anti-Blanchiment/ Financement du terrorisme

Main Activities: Collecting data required for the implementation of AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism) measures; Preparing and modeling data needed for the deployment of AML/CFT scenarios; Configuring tools to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing during the testing and fine-tuning phases; Monitoring automated and semi-automated controls; Drafting procedures; Participating in the implementation of laws, procedures, and directives related to anti-money laundering in the Orange Money activity. Principales activités : • Collecte de données nécessaires à la mise en œuvre des dispositifs AML/ CFT ; • Préparation et modélisation des données nécessaires au déploiement des scénarios AML/CFT; • Configuration des outils de prévention du blanchiment d’argent et de financement du terrorisme, lors des phases de test et fine tuning des outils ; • Surveillance des contrôles automatisés et semi-automatisés • Elaboration des procédures; • Participation à la mise en œuvre, des lois, procédures et directives relatives à la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent dans l’activité Orange Money
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mowali | Dec 2020 - Apr 2022

Business Ops Officer

Travaux périodiques de réconciliation des transactions des fournisseurs de services financiers digitaux clients Définition des architectures de compensation sur des corridors de transferts d'argent cross border Gestion du forex Élaboration des cahiers et conduite des tests en vue du lancement de nouveaux corridors mobile money Periodic reconciliation work of transactions from digital financial service providers to clients Definition of compensation architectures on cross-border money transfer corridors Forex management Preparation of notebooks and conducting tests for the launch of new mobile money corridors

Leadway Vie Assurance | Jun 2019 - Aug 2020

Assistant actuariat/ Actuarial Assistant

Management software settings Determination of mathematical provisions Tariff adjustment work Development of quotation tools in VBA Conduct of statistical analyses of the client portfolio Paramétrages du logiciel de gestion Détermination des provisions mathématiques Travaux d'ajustement des tarifs Élaboration d'outils de cotation sous VBA Réalisation d'analyses statistiques du portefeuille client

ZOLA Electric | Jun 2018 - Sep 2018

Data Analyst


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Institut National Polytechnique Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY de
Diplôme d'ingénieur, Actuariat, AssuranceYamoussoukro (INP-HB) | 2019

About Me


One of my passions? Apart from mixing English and French, I love making data speak with my spreadsheets and notebooks, while cracking a joke or two along the way... As long as it brings in some money.

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