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Arpit Malhotra

Arpit Malhotra

Data Scientist



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Python Fundamentals

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Introduction to Python

Insights architect, designing structures of knowledge with data as the foundation.

My Work

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Introduction to SQL


Introduction to R


Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Equifax | Aug 2023 - Present

Associate Manager (Data Science)

• Serving as a key contributor in Independent Model Validation for a wide range of models such as credit, fraud, marketing etc. • Working as Subject Matter Expert for providing actionable insights and recommendations to model owners and developers ensuring compliance as per Equifax policies and procedures. • Working in the field of Credit Risk Analytics using statistical techniques and ML techniques - Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, GBM, Monotonically Constraint Neural Networks, Time series, Probit Models, Survival Models, Tobit, Fractional Logistic, Beta models etc. Responsibilities include: • Identifying potential issues and discrepancies and engaging in open discussions with stakeholders to reach a consensus on appropriate remediation actions. • Performing effective assessments of all aspects of models including theoretical aspects, model design and implementation, data integrity and reliability, sufficiency of outcomes, and effectiveness of ongoing performance monitoring.
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Locus | Nov 2022 - Jul 2023

Data Scientist - Routing

o Worked on a routing engine that modeled Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows and with Pickup & Delivery to build last-mile delivery solutions o Worked on algorithmic development & improvement in the in-house Machine Learning Algorithm for Vehicle Allocation, Fleet Optimization & Planning, and Vehicle Sequencing. o Used Data Analytics, RCA to investigate SLA breaches in Task Allocation and Planning & Adherence

Genpact | Jul 2021 - Nov 2022

Assistant Manager (Financial Services Analytics)

o Worked for North-American Banking Client for developing modeling strategies for automated decision making o Worked on the development, and calibration of risk models, including credit decision scorecards, Basel IRB – PD o Worked on generating model performance monitoring reports for Retail Adjudication risk models and sub-models, assessing model performance and finding root causes impacting the performance of models o Automated the report-generating process by unifying SAS output format and using VBA macros. o Conducted characteristics analysis for Retail Adjudication and Small Business Segments. o Identified & owned of a Lean Project - Estimated Time & Dollar Saving: 1 Month of annual effort saved which is equivalent to 20 FTEs per year

Praxis Business School | Aug 2020 - Jul 2021

Student Placement Coordinator

Praxis PlaceComm Cell

Coal India Limited | Aug 2015 - Jul 2020

Assistant Manager

- Worked in projects related to Spatial Data Science and Analytics - Route Optimization & Planning, Reserve Analysis, Optimization of Bore-hole location, Geochemical Analysis, Geo-Statistical Analysis. - Assisted in the preparation and managing of the Online Coal Block Information System - A National Data Repository containing Geo-information related to Coal Blocks More information at: https://www.cmpdi.co.in/OCBIS/dashboard.php - Worked on Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection & Classification in projects related to Remote Sensing Maps and photomicrograph (Microscopic Images) of Coal Samples - Worked on projects related to the Estimation of Coal Quality using Machine Learning Methods - Worked on projects related to Sensor Fusion & IoT with respect to Geophysical Logging & Analysis -Worked in projects related to the planning of railway corridor for coal evacuation from Coal Mines -Assisted in the monitoring of Coal Exploration related Services, such as Drilling, logging, Sample preparation, Sample analysis, etc. - Prepared and managed Geo-Databases of coal blocks across India. -Worked with various clients-TATA STEEL, HINDALCO, APMDC, Vedanta (BALCO), NTPC, MECON, etc. regarding Mining Plan Certification as per the guidelines by the Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India. -Assisted in preparing Exploration Schemes for carrying out Detailed exploration in Coal Blocks -Prepared Techno-Commercial documents for the outsourcing of Exploration Services

Coal India Limited | Aug 2014 - Jul 2015

Management Trainee

- Data Analysis and Reporting - Geo-Statistical Analysis/ Spatial-Statistical Analysis - Geological Mapping - Coal Core logging and Sampling - Assisted in monitoring of Exploration activities - Assisted in preparation of Geological Reports

Aditya Birla Group | May 2013 - Jul 2013

Summer Intern

-Prepared and designed “Future Exploration Plan of Jilling Langalota Iron & Manganese Mines” based on the field studies and correlation of previously drilled borehole logs. -Prepared surface geological map of the area. - Integrated prepared geological map with remote sensing data to perform spatial analysis and interpretation. -Prepared Sub-surface Geological Model / Ore-Body Model for Subsurface Interpretation and Volumetric Estimation -Performed Spatial Analytics to identify potential zones in the area for enhanced and speedy exploitation.

Steel Authority of India Limited | May 2012 - Jun 2012

Summer Trainee

-Assisted in Exploration design and Mine Planning by conducting field studies and preparing geo-models

Tata Steel | May 2011 - Jun 2011

Summer Trainee

-Visited TATA Steel Jamadoba Division, Dhanbad. -Worked in the areas of Surveying, Exploration design, Coal Reserve Estimation, Mine Planning and Coal Beneficiation Processes. -Assisted in Borehole logging, RQD measurements, and Core Sampling. Performed Proximate and Ultimate analysis during sample analysis. -Learnt MINEX software for Exploration Design and Mine Planning Purposes

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Postgraduate Program, Data SciencePraxis Business School | 2021
Postgraduate Diploma, Machine Learning and Artificial IntelligenceAmity Education Group | 2020
B.Tech & M.Sc.Tech Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad | 2014

About Me

Arpit Malhotra

Catalyzing data-driven insights in the realm of risk assessment and management, I'm a dedicated Data Scientist currently contributing my expertise to Equifax's Model Risk Management group.

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