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Cristina Axente

Cristina Axente


Vodafone Romania


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Python Fundamentals

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Workbook

Course Notes: Time Series Analysis in SQL Server

Data philosopher, pondering the mysteries of existence through statistical analysis.

My Work

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Introduction to Python


Course Notes: Time Series Analysis in SQL Server


Writing Functions in Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Vodafone Romania | May 2021 - Present

Data Engineer


IBM | Nov 2019 - May 2021

Data Engineer

I was part of a team which worked for a global biopharma company. My roles in the team was to develop and maintain applications in SAS Data Integration Studio and Denodo. Responsibilities as an Application Developer: - Incident management and support for business users. - Change requests on existing applications which implies: impact analysis and estimation, designing and developing ETL data integration programs and jobs, SAS programs. - Change requests on existing applications: impact analysis and estimation, designing and developing Denodo integrate views and updating source to mapping files. - Operational activities: loading and testing data, maintaining the flows to run without errors. - Working in two internal short projects. My contributions were to modify the structure of tables, SAS jobs in SAS Data Integration Studio and to make unit tests. - Making analysis of data. - Working in an Agile environment. - Creating DDLs and queries in SQL. Languages used: SAS, SQL; Tools/Others: SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Management Console, SAS Flow Manager, Denodo
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IBM | Sep 2019 - Oct 2019

DataStage Developer


IBM | May 2019 - Aug 2019

SAS Data Integration Developer

Responsibilities as a SAS Data Integration Developer: - Developing SAS Base programs and SAS Data Integration jobs. - Impact analysis and estimation. - Making analyses on SAS jobs. - Developing jobs in SAS DI Studio using SAS DI transformations, SAS Base and SAS Macro, ETL and DWH concepts. - Learning SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS Base and SAS Macros. - Learning ETL and DWH concepts. Languages used: SAS, SQL; Tools/Others: SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Management Console, SAS Flow Manager

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's degree in Faculty of Mathematics and Computer ScienceUniversity of Bucharest | 2019

About Me

Cristina Axente

Cristina hasn't filled in a bio text

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