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Katia Paulina Celestino Rijo

Katia Paulina Celestino Rijo

Data Analyst

Instituto Tecnológico de Las Américas


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Python Fundamentals

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Aspiring Data Scientist. I aim to expand my knowledge and apply what I have learned, while remaining open to learning new tools and adapting to different environment.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office


Can we reduce cars Co2 Emissions? Can we help a team leader become familiar with a new company? Competition - Everyone Can Learn Python Scholarship


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Artificial Intelligence Associate degree in Computer ScienceInstituto Tecnológico de Las Américas | 2024

About Me

Katia Paulina Celestino Rijo

Hi! My name is Katia I'm currently doing an associate degree in Artificial Intelligence I am interested in machine learning, natural language processing and deep learning.

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