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Christopher Harris

Christopher Harris

Global MEL Lead

Chance for Childhood


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Associate Data Scientist in Python (previously Data Scientist with Python)

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Quantitative strategist, harnessing the power of data for strategic advantage.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Chance for Childhood | Mar 2021 - Jul 2022

Kenya Programmes Manager


Chance for Childhood | Aug 2020 - Jul 2022

Global MEL Officer


Chance for Childhood | Feb 2022 - Apr 2022

Interim Uganda Programmes Manager


Chance for Childhood | Feb 2020 - Aug 2020

International Programmes Officer

Responsibilities: -Project management of an inclusive education project in Nyabihu, Rwanda -Organization-wide impact & learning data collection and analysis -Interviewed data analyst consultants and performed quality assurance of external evaluations Achievements: -Trained enumerators in disability data collection to collect data on inclusion for a needs assessment in Palabek refugee settlement, Uganda -Established and lead the environmental sustainability working group Skills used: -Project management: Budgeting, Partner agreements -Python for data analysis, Tableau Public, Basic Excel VBA
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Chance for Childhood | Oct 2018 - Feb 2020

International Programmes Assistant

Responsibilities: -MEL specialist -Project Development -Trusts & Foundations Fundraising Achievements: -Co-lead the update of CfC’s MEL framework: Overhauling the beneficiary data collection system -I personally raised over £30k from Trust & Foundation applications, as well as having technical input on institutional applications to UKAid, ECW, UNDEF etc. Skills used: -Project development, with technical input on monitoring & evaluation -Institutional fundraising and donor relationship management, including reporting project outcomes and impact to donors -MS Excel, using IATI data

LAFF | Jan 2018 - Sep 2018

Monitoring And Evaluation Officer

Based in Cusco, Peru, LAFF (Latin American Foundation for the Future) provide education and vocational training support for marginalised young people and support the organisational sustainability of 4 local partner organisations through income-generation, cost reduction initiatives and capacity building for their staff. I implemented LAFF's M&E framework; collecting, analysing and reporting the quantitative & qualitative data to the board of trustees. My findings informed LAFF's strategic planning, and I began the next evaluation cycle by identifying gaps in what we wanted to achieve and the indicators we were using to measure it. I collaborated closely with local Peruvian organizations which improved my Spanish significantly, and I gained a lot of experience in querying databases then presenting the data in pivot tables.

ASA Initiative | Jun 2015 - Sep 2015

Microfinance Intern

I interned at a microfinance FNGO in Cape Coast, Ghana where I was able to gain experience in the microfinance sector and use in practice the theoretical knowledge I gained throughout university. I initially learned the logistics of running a microfinance organization, but quickly identified that ASA’s annual ‘social performance review’ had some methodological gaps and could be improved. I used my knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods to design a survey which collated statistics (used to calculate the multidimensional poverty index) and qualitative feedback from ASA’s clients. I assembled the results in a report, which showed that ASA’s clients were more likely to be rural, women and MPI poor than the general population, achieving ASA’s social targets. On the other hand, it was identified that the poorest of the poor could benefit from more flexible repayment schedules and more reliable disbursement. I faced considerable challenges in minimising evaluator bias from political and logistical sources, but as my first foray into monitoring & evaluation it cemented my decision to do a masters degree in impact evaluation. Also, based on my time with ASA I wrote a successful essay on the difference between the affirmative and transformative changes in poverty yielded by microfinance, and my third year dissertation on the topic of the financialization of poverty through microfinance in West Africa.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

International Development with Economics, Development Economics and International Development wit...University of East Anglia | 2016
International Baccalaureate The Windsor Boys' School | 2013
GSCE The Windsor Boys School | 2011

About Me

Christopher Harris

Impact Evaluation specialist looking for work in data-driven NGOs

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