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Edre Coutinho

Edre Coutinho

Business Intelligence Analyst

The Walt Disney Company


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Introduction to Python

Data-driven magician, making the impossible possible.

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Introduction to R


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

The Walt Disney Company | Jul 2022 - Present

B.I. & Data Science Future Leaders Program

1st Placement: Marketing Analytics Worked with the main KPIs related to marketing campaigns, such as sign- ups, CPA, and CPM. Worked to build new methodologies to measure offline campaigns using statistical methods. 2nd Placement: Business Analytics Worked with the main KPIs related to retail and partnered subscriber behavior such as acquisition, content consumption, and retention. Worked on a project to understand the measures of success of promotional offers for Disney+ and Star+ partners.
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QuintoAndar | Mar 2021 - Nov 2021

Business Analyst

I compiled and analyzed data to help the teams make informed decisions, develop business processes and implement new strategies. I worked with SQL to retrieve data from the company's database and used R and Excel to compile the analysis. Offboarding Team: I helped with diagnostic analysis to identify business process improvement opportunities. One of my analyses had me develop an app that reduced operational lead time by more than 30%.

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia | Aug 2019 - Jul 2020

Undergraduate Research Fellow PIBIC/Fapesb

Research: Propensity Score Matching for Hierarchical Data Supervisor: Rosemeire Fiaccone In causal studies, one of the most used techniques disregards hierarchically structured data. I studied and applied different approaches so that it can improve the performance of propensity score matching for hierarchical data such as: within the cluster matching, preferably within the cluster matching and calculation of the hierarchical logistic regression. This study is relevant for the causal inference field because these techniques can reduce the standard error for the treatment effect estimates. We used school data (naturally organized in levels: students within schools) for this application, but the same approach is easily adaptable to other clustered data.

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia | Aug 2018 - Jul 2019

Undergraduate Research Fellow PIBIC/Fapesb

Research: Data Visualization Methods for High-Dimensional Data in R Supervisor: Rosemeire Fiaccone We evaluated data visualization techniques for high-dimensional data (big n data). We used tuberculosis data to build a dashboard using a collection of packages such as tidyverse and shiny.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's degree, StatisticsUniversidade Federal da Bahia | 2021

About Me

Edre Coutinho

I’m passionate about how data can change people’s points of view and how it impacts those who seek the truth in every important decision. I believe research has the power to change the world. I love skiing and I take risks to make my dreams come true

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