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Eduardo Lozada

Eduardo Lozada

Data Analyst

University of Lima | Peru


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Track

Data Analyst

Machine learning maverick, riding the wave of algorithms to new frontiers.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


First Competition of EduardoLoz - Denver Coffee Shop


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

CFA Institute CFA Level 1

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

AccesoCorp | Oct 2019 - Apr 2021

Corporate Financial Analyst

Develop an economic model that difference economic and financial events that the company faces in order to quantify the impact on it. Responsible for the preparation of the projected annual budget for the SBS according to the parameters and objectives of the company. Coordinate with different areas of the company to ensure that their ideas and objectives are aligned with the budget. Active coordination with different companies in the sector in order to close financial agreements that are profitable for the company. Measure the impact of different types of credits that the company sees fit to implement.
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eTinka Investments | Apr 2019 - Sep 2019

Analista de inversiones

I am in charge of doing technical and fundamental analysis for the purchase and sale of shares (intraday trading/scalping). In charge of updating and improving screeners for the correct selection of actions in which to invest. Support in the formulation of logarithms to automate the purchase and sale of shares following financial indicators and current trading techniques. Active reading about current events in the financial sector and global economic news to execute an optimal trading plan. Broker in which we work: InteractiveBrokers.

FRI ESAN | Oct 2017 - Oct 2018


Investigate and analyze different topics about the Financial Sector in order to provide a greater vision of what is happening in our environment. Support in the preparation and structuring of economic models for the financial economic evaluation of PPP contracts. Write articles and papers on different topics of interest on Finance, as well as support consulting and training for companies and people in the Sector. Responsible for updating the website of the FRI (Finance and Regulation Institute) and answering all the questions that are found.

SUNASS | Jan 2016 - Jul 2016


Functions performed: Assistance in the elaboration of Tariff Studies (financial and commercial analysis) for Sanitation Services Companies (drinking water and sewage). Financial statement analysis. Assistance in the projection of cash flows and calculation of WACC for sanitation service companies. Preparation of documents and information to present to the board of directors. Support in the drafting of working documents of regulatory relevance. Consolidation and updating of information in databases for later use. Collection of financial information in the office and field.

Killington/Pico Ski Resort Partners, LLC | Dec 2014 - Mar 2015

Guest Services

Exchange program for students to the United States of America, during my stay, I did the work of Guest Services in the Main Hotel of the Resort. This experience helped improve my level of English by being in constant contact with the public as well as forming connections with people from other countries.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachillerato, EconomíaUniversidad de Lima | 2017

About Me

Eduardo Lozada

Economist learning data science.

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