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George Reifenberger

George Reifenberger


Sr Data Scientist

Exelon | Westmont, IL


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Certification

Data Scientist Associate

Data visionary, envisioning a future transformed by the power of information.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners


The Android App Market on Google Play


Dr. Semmelweis and the Discovery of Handwashing

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Data Scientist Associate

Data Scientist Associate

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Concordia University Texas | Aug 2020 - Present

Associate Professor (Physics and Astronomy)

Academic Role: Responsible for developing curriculum and teaching the lecture and laboratory experience for the following undergraduate courses: -Algebra-based Physics 1 (Mechanics) for science majors -Algebra-based Physics 2 (Electricity, Magnetism, Optics) for science majors -Introduction to Astronomy (for non-science majors) -Conceptual Physics (Mechanics) for the Elementary Education bachelor's degree program -Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (using ArcGIS Pro) for Environmental Science degree program and for non-science majors -Technology of the Digital Age (for all majors): Developing student's computer literacy of the hardware and software used in today's computer systems. Instruction and assessment of student skills with the Microsoft Office suite Responsible for the teaching of our first-semester freshman introduction course called Life and Leadership - a summary exposure of the transition to the college experience for new freshman University Service Roles as a full-time faculty: -Chair of the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee (FWDC) i) Represent the FWDC on the Executive Committee of the Faculty (ECF) at Concordia that oversees the business of the faculty ii) Deliberation of requests from other faculty bodies to bring items forward to the ECF for review/change to the faculty handbook (sections where faculty have primary ownership through the principles of shared governance at Concordia) iii) Oversee the running of the Faculty Scholarship Award process, and reporting the results to the Provost (annual award) -Member of FWDC (2016-2022) -Member of the ECF (2016-2022) -Member of the Computer Science Faculty Hiring Committee (2020-2021) -Member of the Education Assessment Committee (2017-2021)
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Concordia University Texas | Aug 2014 - Jul 2020

Assistant Professor (Physics and Astronomy)

Academic Role: Responsible for developing curriculum and teaching the lecture and laboratory experience for the following undergraduate courses: -Algebra-based Physics 1 (Mechanics) for science majors -Algebra-based Physics 2 (Electricity, Magnetism, Optics) for science majors -Introduction to Astronomy (for non-science majors) -Conceptual Physics (Mechanics) for the Elementary Education bachelor's degree program -Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (using ArcGIS Pro) for Environmental Science degree program and for non-science majors Responsible for the teaching of our first-semester freshman introduction course called Life and Leadership - a summary exposure of the transition to the college experience for new freshman University Service Roles as a full-time faculty: -Chair of the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee (FWDC) (2018-2020), ongoing i) Represent the FWDC on the Executive Committee of the Faculty (ECF) at Concordia that oversees the business of the faculty ii) Deliberation of requests from other faculty bodies to bring items forward to the ECF for review/change to the faculty handbook (sections where faculty have primary ownership through the principles of shared governance at Concordia) iii) Oversee the running of the Faculty Scholarship Award process, and reporting the results to the Provost (annual award) -Member of FWDC (2016-2020), ongoing -Member of the ECF (2016-2020), ongoing -Member of the Computer Science Faculty Hiring Committee (2017) -Member of the Kinesiology Faculty Hiring Committee (2017) -Member of the Chemistry Faculty Hiring Committee (2016) -Member of the Education Assessment Committee (2017-2020), ongoing

Florida Atlantic University | Aug 2013 - May 2014

Adjunct Instructor

Instructor for undergraduate and graduate-level courses • General Physics: Calculus-based introductory physics • Computational Physics: Introduction and implementation of mathematical techniques for the solving of complex physics problems

Florida Atlantic University | Aug 2012 - Aug 2013

Research Assistant

Implementation of numerical and analytic ideas towards dissertation • Improvements to the construction of initial data used in binary black hole simulations for the production of gravitational radiation

Florida Atlantic University | May 2011 - Aug 2012

Teaching Assistant

Assist Physics Department with operation of class and laboratory assignments • Supervising laboratory assignments of 25+ students Classes involved included: Algebra-based Physics 1 (Mechanics), Algebra-based Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism, Optics), Calculus-based Physics 1 (Mechanics)

Florida Atlantic University | May 2009 - May 2011

Graduate Fellow

Worked under the NSF GK-12 Education Grant: Collaborating with Palm Beach County schools science teachers - going into the classrooms as a resident scientist (developing connections and communicating with students about science opportunities and the science philosophy) • Incorporate the nature of science into school curriculum • Promote the scientific process and analytical thinking in the classroom

Florida Atlantic University | Aug 2007 - May 2009

Teaching Assistant

Assisted the Physics Department with operation of class and laboratory assignments • Supervising laboratory assignments of 25+ students Classes involved included: Algebra-based Physics 1 (Mechanics), Algebra-based Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism, Optics)

Creighton University | Aug 2005 - Aug 2007

Teaching Assistant

Assisted the Physics Department with operation of class and laboratory assignments • Supervising laboratory assignments of 15+ students • Supervising classroom discussion sessions for 40+ students Classes involved included: Algebra-based Physics 1 (Mechanics), Algebra-based Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism, Optics), Introduction to Astronomy

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), PhysicsFlorida Atlantic University | 2013
Master of Science (M.S.), PhysicsCreighton University | 2007
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Astronomy and AstrophysicsFlorida Institute of Technology | 2005
Associate of Science (A.S.), Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal StudiesDutchess Community College | 2003

About Me

George Reifenberger

PhD in computational general relativity. 8+ yrs of research with multiple publications. Supercomputer usage for research using Fortran, C, with subversion and Linux OS. Data Visualization and Professional Communication and Presentation skills.

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