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Jakub Šinogl

Jakub Šinogl

Data Scientist

Insynaps | Bratislava


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

R Programming

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Data virtuoso, playing the chords of information to create harmonious insights.

My Work

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Introduction to R


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Asseco Solutions SK | Jun 2022 - Jun 2023

Data Scientist

- participating in design and development of data analytics infrastructure solution using Python Docker service (using uvicorn, pandas, psycopg2, numpy, Keras, Pytorch, etc.) and Azure - responsible for data analysis, data engineering tasks like development and maintenance of data pipelines, data transformations (sql, pandas), data quality assurance, data visualization, using various SQL databases (Postgres, Oracle, MS SQL) - data science related tasks such as building time series prediction models (SARIMA, LSTM NNs, linear regression), classification tasks (k-means), object detection and image classification using Microsoft CustomVision.ai, Azure ML and Python
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Swiss Re | Jan 2019 - Jan 2022

Data Analyst / Data Engineer

- Development and maintenance of various products (dashboards, surveys, data analyses) using Agile and SCRUM methodology. - responsible for data processing and analysis of company-wide satisfaction survey (more than 15 000 empolyees) using Qualtrics, JupyterLab and Python and as well responsible for migration into new Azure and Palantir infrastructure. - Building metadata-driven cloud data lake and business analytics products on Azure and Palantir Foundry - Improved time efficiency of data ingestion from web analytics service by reducing API calls and refactoring the logic - Developed end-to-end pipeline feeding the dashboards with customer experience & tech support data used by senior managers and C-suite executives - Migrated pipelines from legacy infrastructure (JupyterHub, Airflow, MS SQL Server, Denodo) to new cloud-based solution (Azure Synapse, ADLS Gen 2, Spark, Palantir Foundry) - Performed sentiment analysis and named entity recognition (NER) on customer satisfaction survey data and visualized results in a dashboard (NLTK Vader, Huggingface Transformers, Tableau) and Azure Cognitive Services - Team cooperation and project management with Azure DevOps Boards, JIRA, Confluence (for documentation)

Trenkwalder Slovakia | Sep 2017 - Jan 2019

Project Manager / Data Analyst

- creation of salary exploration tool using shiny R package and MS SQL Server - responsibility for various tasks during the pilot implementation of attendance system in warehouse of 400+ employees - automation of reports for Sales department using R, MS Access, Excel, XML and HTML - gathering and analyzing the data from job portals using dplyr, and tidyverse packages and various other packages like rvest, purrr or xml2 - using shiny, ggplot2 packages for data visualization - IT responsible person for BPO of stocktaking service and its implementation for CZ&SK - maintenance and administration of data storage for the analysis of gathered data - communication with higher management on country and international level - participation on various task during Salesforce implementation in Trenkwalder CZ

Trenkwalder Slovakia | Sep 2016 - Jan 2017

Junior Data Analyst & Assisstant on Sales Department

- reporting and simple analysis tasks for Sales department - working with Salesforce, MS Access, Outlook and Excel - communicating within the multiple departments and different levels of Management. - working with Finstat database service. - creation and maintenance of small internal database.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's degree, ManagementUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave | 2017
Applied Mathematics and Computing SciencesUniversity of Aberdeen | 2012

About Me

Jakub Šinogl

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