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Jazil Kalim

Jazil Kalim

Data Scientist



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Data Scientist

My New Track

SQL Server Developer

My New Track

Data Engineer

Data detective who enable clients to achieve their goals with pragmatic modeling and data analysis.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Improving Query Performance in SQL Server


Regular Expressions in Python


Transactions and Error Handling in SQL Server


Object-Oriented Programming in Python


Case Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning in Python


Bayesian Data Analysis in Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Afiniti | May 2021 - Present

Data Scientist

- Develop and deploy Bayesian statistics-based and machine learning models which vary from decision trees and random forests to Stan models. - Increased monthly revenue by $2 million by incorporating seasonal effects and using pragmatic and creative modeling strategies. - Manage Virgin Media, one of the highest revenue client at Afiniti. - Conduct data analysis for seasonal trends, features analysis, and root cause investigation of production problems. - Monitor production and cater to support requests and tickets. - Set up alerts and dashboards for increased productivity and smooth monitoring. - Onboard new members to the team and give generic trainings on data science topics. - Moderate daily calls of the internal AI team and communicate results, issues, and requests to different teams. - Built an AI dashboard that helps identify problems in our models and use efficient statistical tests for production monitoring. - Developed an R pipeline that can transform raw input features into binned versions based on target metrics.
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My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's in Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringNED University Of Engineering & Technology | 2020

About Me

Jazil Kalim

A Data Scientist with a proven track record of success in developing and deploying statistical and machine learning models to solve real-world business problems. I have a deep understanding of Bayesian statistics, machine learning algorithms, and dat

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