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Jedidah  Kariuki

Jedidah Kariuki





My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Certification

Data Analyst Associate

Data adventurer, fearlessly exploring the vast landscapes of information.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Introduction to Python


Data Analyst Associate

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Data Analyst Associate

Data Analyst Associate

Other Certificates

Datacamp Associate Data Analyst

Udacity ALX-T Data Analyst

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Cogemont Solutions | Oct 2021 - Present

Data Analyst

- Data extraction/collection, cleaning and validation. - Data analysis and exploration using R or Python. - Perform Statistical analysis to identify trends and insights. - Data visualization to support findings for presentation to consulting team.
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The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT | May 2021 - Nov 2021

AIMS - MS4CR Data Analyst Fellow

● Curated climate profiles data from Kenya’s 45 counties into a standard usable format in Ms Excel. ● Completed data cleaning and data validation of the spreadsheet using Open Refine tool to promote robust data management platform, resulting in accurate data analysis and entry. ● Identified, analyzed, and interpreted trends or patterns in complex data sets by finding correlations and visualizing with charts using R programming. ● Explored new data sources to enhance current models. ● Developed reports to summarize the infographic analysis of the data and outputs obtained from the analysis. ● Attended a national validation workshop for the Kenya counties climate risk profiles as an assistant moderator and developed a summary report of the workshop.

Kiriri Women's University of Science and Technology | Jan 2019 - Aug 2019

Tutorial Fellow

● Planned and delivered lectures and course materials to communicate course content and provide students with subject matter knowledge. ● Assessed student learning to evaluate teaching method success and make necessary adjustments. ● Developed and graded exams and assessments to evaluate student learning and provide feedback on performance. ● Kept accurate records of student performance to track student progress and provide feedback on performance. ● Verified course design and delivery complied with school quality guidelines and regulatory standards. ● Offered office hours and one-on-one meetings with students to provide additional support and guidance to students.

ICT Authority | Sep 2016 - Oct 2017

ICT Management Trainee

Implemented the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) in two counties, Nakuru and Laikipia and conducted workshops to demonstrate use of the DLP devices to primary school teachers in the two counties. ● Data collection, data entry and database development to digitize the coffee system at the National Coffee Commission. ● Delivered assistance and support for team-based IT projects.

DT Dobie & Company Kenya Limited | Nov 2014 - Jan 2015

IT Intern

● Installed and configured application software and upgrades, virus protection, and drivers. ● Offered remote assistance and conducted software updates to computers in the company's branches using remote access applications. ● Helped department set up equipment for meetings. ● Provided user support for IT related issues.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master of Science in Mathematical ScienceAfrican Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS), Ghana | 2018
Bachelor of science in Mathematics and Computer ScienceJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) | 2015

About Me

Jedidah  Kariuki

I am passionate about data analytics because of the gratifying aspect of taking guesswork out of decision making. This is as a result of businesses striving to make more informed and data-driven decisions and I am here for this challenge.

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