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 Juliette Keeley

Juliette Keeley

Head of Impact and Institutional Learning

African Leadership Group | Kenya


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to R

Analytics acrobat, performing feats of insight extraction with grace and agility.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to Statistics in R


Introduction to R


Intermediate R

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

African Leadership Group | Mar 2021 - Present

Head of Impact

I lead impact measurement and analysis for the African Leadership Group, with particular focus on the African Leadership University and The Room. This includes designing an overarching impact framework across AL entities, managing the collection of student and young leader impact data, developing innovative methodologies to analyze impact, and producing key insights on impact to inform multiple audiences across the AL Group. ALG was founded over 15 years ago by Fred Swaniker, a serial entrepreneur recognized by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of 2019.
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Instiglio | Feb 2020 - Mar 2021


I managed multi-million dollar French-speaking projects and teams of up to 9 people to deliver Results-Based Financing and performance management expertise to the Government of Morocco and the Government of Tunisia. I developed proposals and workplans, oversaw execution and budgets, ensured quality deliverables, recruited and trained up staff, and managed relationship with government stakeholders and international donors.

Instiglio | Jun 2019 - Jul 2020

Kenya Office Head (Interim)

As Kenya Office Head, I led the Instiglio Office in Kenya, a growing office of 14 people, in operations, human resources and recruitment, and capacity building.

Instiglio | Jul 2018 - Jan 2020

Senior Associate

I led government engagement work with the Government of Kenya to build the Poverty Alleviation Outcomes Fund, a $50 million fund which disburses payments to service providers who deliver pre-defined results in poverty reduction I provided technical assistance to the Government of Morocco for the design and implementation of a Results-Based Financing program in employment to deliver services to more than 6,000 job seekers.

Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) | Mar 2018 - Jul 2018

West Africa Policy Consultant

I investigated Teaching at the Right Level projects in Ghana, Senegal, and Niger. Teaching at the Right Level is a pedagogical approach that involves evaluating children using a simple assessment tool and then grouping them according to learning level rather than age or grade. I scoped potential scaling partners in the education sector and trial different Teaching at the Right Level support workshops.

Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) | Jun 2017 - Mar 2018

Senior Policy Associate

J-PAL North America is a regional office of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), launched in 2013 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and dedicated to reducing poverty in North America by ensuring that social policy is informed by economic evidence. I partnered with State and Local policymakers to catalyze and support randomized evaluations, communicate evidence to help translate research into action, and build policymakers’ capacity to create and use rigorous evidence in designing and implementing social programs. Projects included homelessness prevention and housing in King County, WA, and Santa Clara County, CA. I also ran the Year 2 convening for the State and Local Innovation Initiative, which brought together government officials, directions of research and evaluation, and service provider leaders to discuss the use of evaluations and date for decision-making and policy design.

International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC | May 2016 - Dec 2016

Researcher, Office of the President

Conduct research on humanitarian mediation, negotiation, refugees and education. Support the launch of the Centre of Competence for Humanitarian Negotiators and Mediators.

NYC Department of Education | Nov 2013 - Jul 2015

Program Associate

Coordinated evaluations for 80 reviewers in 1,270 schools. Oversaw work assignments and $414,000 budget for 21 consultants. Coordinated pilot program for online testing in 90 schools; led 8 trainings. Monitored the rollout of a $52 million settlement with Microsoft to 1,435 schools.

Peace Corps | Jul 2011 - Aug 2013

Secondary Education Mathematics Volunteer

Taught math, English and computer skills to middle and high school students, in classes of up to 55 students.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Public PolicyHarvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government | 2017
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Public PolicyUniversity of Chicago | 2011
High School Diploma Lycee International de St. Germain-en-Laye | 2007

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