
Melinda Higgins
Research Professor, Senior Biostatistician
Emory University | Atlanta, GA
Authored Curriculum
Take a look at the content that I created on DataCamp.
My Most Recent Course
R For SAS Users
4 hours15 Videos56 Exercises3,833 LearnersCourses
About Me

Melinda Higgins, PhD @mhiggins2000 is an avid R user, advocate and instructor. She originally learned S and then transitioned to R in the mid 1990's. She has over 25 years experience as a research scientist and statistician. She has a PhD in Chemometrics (applied pattern recognition in Chemistry) and a MS in Statistics (with a focus in experimental design). She enjoys teaching courses in biostatistics and leading workshops on statistical programming using SAS, SPSS, R, the RStudio IDE and Rmarkdown. She is also the co-founder of R-Ladies Atlanta, GA.
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