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Nikola Krivokuca

Nikola Krivokuca

Technical associate

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

R Programming Fundamentals

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Data painter, using visualization to bring insights to life.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Introduction to R


Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences | Oct 2020 - Present

Technical Associate


Vocational school “Borislav Mihajlovic Mihiz | Jan 2016 - Apr 2016

Substitute teacher of the subject M icrobiology and E nzymology

Preparation, presentation and demonstration of theoretical and practical classes.

Laboratory for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Facult y of


Sciences, University of Novi Sad, | Nov 2014 - Apr 2015

Volunteer work

▪Helping on creation of database which will contain information about level and type of certain genes expression and protein synthesis during period of dormancy among various organisms. That should help us to infer which translated proteins and activated genes play a critical role in organism protection during harsh environmental conditions. ▪ Assistance in performing experiments during practical lectures at course Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes, such as: calculating concentrations and preparing buffer solutions and agar gels for Agarose gel electrophoresis or polyacrylamide gel for Discontinuous Native Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isolation and analysis of mitochondrial and chloroplasts DNA, preparing master mix for Q PCR and helping students with their ambiguities about experiments being performed.
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My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  · (October 2014 - MarchUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences | 2017
Bachelor's degree, Molecular BiologyUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences | 2014

About Me

Nikola Krivokuca

Nikola hasn't filled in a bio text

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