Learn Data Skills
Nindhya Azzahra

Nindhya Azzahra

Front Desk Admin

PT Indosolid Pratama | Indonesia


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Project

Cleaning Bank Marketing Campaign Data

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Track

SQL Fundamentals

Analytical luminary, illuminating the path to data-driven enlightenment.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Introduction to ChatGPT


Introduction to Python

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

DataCamp Image Processing in Python

DataCamp Web Scraping in Python

DataCamp Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)

DataCamp Intermediate Spreadsheets

DataCamp Creating Dashboards in Tableau

DataCamp Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)

DataCamp Introduction to Importing Data in Python

DataCamp Intermediate Importing Data in Python

DataCamp Introduction to Statistics in Python

DataCamp Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

DataCamp Understanding Machine Learning

DataCamp Unsupervised Learning in Python

DataCamp Understanding Cloud Computing

DataCamp AWS Cloud Concepts

DataCamp Linear Classifiers in Python

DataCamp Data Processing in Shell

DataCamp Introduction to Python

DataCamp Intermediate SQL

DataCamp Introduction to Data Science in Python

DataCamp Introduction to R

Coursera Basic Technical Support

DataCamp Data Visualization for Everyone

DataCamp Data Analysis in Excel

DataCamp Introduction to Tableau

DataCamp Introduction to Spreedsheets

DataCamp Introduction to SQL

Programming Hub Artificial Intelligence Certification Course

DataCamp Data Visualization for Everyone

DataCamp PostgreSQL Summary Stats and Window Functions

DataCamp Introduction to Data Engineering

DataCamp Writing Functions in Python

DataCamp Intermediate Python

Coursera Dasar-Dasar Analitik Data: Data, Data di Mana-Mana

Coursera Ajukan Pertanyaan untuk Mengambil Keputusan Berdasarkan Data

Coursera Memproses Data dari Kotor ke Bersih

Coursera Mempersiapkan Data untuk Eksplorasi

DataCamp Introduction to the Tidyverse

DataCamp Joining Data in SQL

DataCamp Introduction to SQL

DataCamp Intermediate SQL

Coursera Berbagi Data Melalui Seni Visualisasi

DataCamp SQL Fundamentals

DataCamp Introduction to Statistics

DataCamp Data Manipulation with pandas

DataCamp Data Manipulation with dplyr

DataCamp Data Communication Concepts

Coursera Analisis Data dengan Pemograman R

Coursera Google Sertifikat Analisis Data

DataCamp Data Analyst in SQL

Coursera Proyek Akhir Analitis Data Google: Selesaikan Sebuah Studi Kasus

DataCamp Understanding Data Science

DataCamp SQL for Joining Data

DataCamp Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL

DataCamp Analyzing Data in Tableau

DataCamp Data Analysis in Spreadsheets

DataCamp Stramlined Data Ingestion with pandas

DataCamp Writing Efficient Python Code

DataCamp Introduction to AWS Boto in Python

DataCamp Database Design

MongoDB Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas

DataCamp Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL

DataCamp NoSQL Concepts

DataCamp Introduction to MongoDB in Python

MongoDB MongoDB and the Document Model

DataCamp Unit Testing for Data Science in Python

Datacamp Object-Oriented Programming in Python

DataCamp Software Engineering for Data Scientists in Python

DataCamp Cleaning Data in Python

DataCamp Introduction to ChatGPT

DataCamp Data Types for Data Science in Python

DataCamp Introduction to Git

DataCamp Data Engineer

DataCamp Working with Dates and Times in Python

DataCamp Regular Expressions in Python

DataCamp Python Programmer

DataCamp Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

DataCamp Python Programming

DataCamp Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn

DataCamp Time Series Analysis in SQL Server

DataCamp Intermediate SQL Server

DataCamp Introduction to SQL Server

DataCamp Biomedical Image Analysis in Python

DataCamp Image Process with Keras in Python

DataCamp Image Process with Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

PT Indosolid Pratama | Dec 2021 - Present

Front Desk Administrator


Indiebook Corner | Apr 2019 - Jun 2019

Book cover designer and illustrator (Intern)


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Google Data Analytics Certificate, Data Analytics  · (July 2022 - DecemberCoursera | 2022
Associate's degree, Design and Visual Communications, GeneralMSD Academy of Visual Art and Design | 2020

About Me

Nindhya Azzahra

Hello, I'm currently want to pursue a mostly in Data Analytics area, though I am willing to upskill my ability thanks to DataCamp. Preferably in Indonesia area. Currently I'm working as Front Office Administrator.

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