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Pieter Kuppens

Pieter Kuppens

SW & Data Professional (freelance)



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Analytical wordsmith, crafting stories with data as the pen and curiosity as the ink.

My Work

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Introduction to ChatGPT


Introduction to R


Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Change Data | Aug 2021 - Jun 2022

Software Developer - C# - SQL - Azure - DevOps

Change Data collects and combines data on hairdresser appointments, sales, employee schedules, leave, absence, etc. This is combined with machine learning to classify customers, predict churn, and recommend a new appointment with the customer's favorite hairdresser. My task was the maintenance (bug fixes, solving performance issues) and the development of new features of the application. The application consisted of a large set of Azure triggers that scrape external data sources via API calls. The retrieved data was validated and upserted in a MSSQL database. Technologies: Azure, C#, .NET, MSSQL
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Underlined | Dec 2021 - Apr 2022

Python Developer - Natural Language Processing - Azure - Linux - DevOps

Zeer tijdelijke opdracht. Diverse activiteiten rond het bestaande Natural Language Processing platform 'Tailo': * support, bugs oplossen * omzetten naar Azure cloud platform

CART-Tech B.V. | Sep 2020 - Nov 2021

Software and Data Professional - Deep Learning - AWS Cloud - DevOps

At CART-Tech, we make software that helps to determine the optimal placement for pacemaker electrodes, based on DICOM MRI CINE and LGE data. My tasks: 1. Software Development - bug fixes and feature development 2. Developing Deep Learning models for automatic segmentation of cardiac tissues 3. Migrating the model to the cloud for scalability 4. Interfacing to the cloud model from the current application

Nemo Healthcare | Nov 2018 - Aug 2020

Software Architect en Coach - Python - C++ - JIRA - CI/CD - DevOps

During a weeks work as Nemo Healthcare, I: * Do the administration and development of Jira Cloud, Confluence, BitBucket: define and refine workflows to adhere to medical regulations ISO 13485:2016, IEC 62304, managing and training its users * Do (software) product development: singlehandedly create a Raspberry Pi application in Python for hospital communication and data logging * Do software development in JavaScript/Express/D3.js on a visualization and research tool of fetal/maternal heartrates and uterine activity. * Coach two junior/medior software engineers * Do requirements engineering for outsourced projects 'fetal heartrate audio feedback', alarm settings (Python, Matlab, QT/C++)

verhuiscoachdenbosch.nl | Jul 2017 - Jan 2019

CTO, co-ondernemer, adviseur/coach/mentor.

Mijn vrouw is begonnen in een eigen eenmanszaak als Verhuiscoach/ Opruimcoach. Ik heb al ervaring met mijn eenmanszaak. Zo kon ik veel helpen met het opzetten van haar eenmanszaak: van administratie tot business model, van aanbod bepalen tot zoekmachines optimaliseren. Met mijn technische know-how heb ik ook veel technische zaken gedaan: Website in de lucht brengen en helpen inrichten en schrijven. Google Business, Analytics en AdWords opzetten. Ook heb ik een technische en inhoudelijke bijdrage geleverd aan het ontwerpen en maken van haar logo, visitekaartje en flyer.

Isatis Health | Feb 2018 - Oct 2018

Software en Data Professional - C# - SpecFlow - TDD - CI/CD - Azure - DevOps


Ratho BV | May 2013 - Jul 2018

Senior Software Engineer - C# - SQL - Mentoring (Part time side job < 10%)

Ratho beheert de ICT voor onderwijs en mkb. Een van de producten is de 'Ratho Manager' die de gebruikers, groepen, rechten in de lokale Active Directory van de klanten gebruikersvriendelijk en gecontroleerd laat beheren. Technisch gebeurt dat door de gegevens uit Active Directory te halen, te bewerken via de Ratho Manager, en weer terug te zetten in Active Directory. Momenteel coach/mentor ik de (lead) software engineer die de Ratho Manager doorontwikkelt. Voorheen heb ik bijvoorbeeld de specificaties geschreven om product development naar India te outsourcen. Het outsourcen liet te wensen over, vandaar dat een junior software engineer lokaal werd aangenomen. Sindsdien coach en mentor ik hem. In eerste instantie voor technische ondersteuning, later meer in het opzetten van volwassen software ontwikkel processen, en uiteindelijk ook in het coachen en begeleiden van stagiairs. Tool/methods: Active Directory, C#, ASP.NET, MVC, Visual Studio Online, TDD, WCF, Agile/ Scrum, Coaching, Planning, Subversion, Outsourcing.

K3 Retail Nederland | Apr 2017 - Oct 2017

Software Engineer - C# - SQL - REST/API

Terwijl K3 Retail op zoek was naar een of twee vaste medewerkers heb ik een tijdelijk capaciteitsprobleem opgelost. Tot oktober, toen de eerste van de twee was gevonden. K3 Retail maakt kassasystemen met een MSSQL backend, waarin de kassatransacties, maar ook inkoop, voorraad, logistieke processtappen opgeslagen worden. Typische taken waren het schrijven, aanpassen, optimaliseren en debuggen van C# code en SQL queries en het schrijven van web interfaces (met Swagger) zodat we met externe partijen als webshops over winkelvoorraden konden praten en bestellingen konden plaatsen. Soms algemeen, soms klantspecifiek. Daarnaast heb ik onder meer nog het build systeem verbeterd en verbeteringen in het software proces tot stand helpen komen. Mijn volgende beschrijving van een dag uit mijn voormalig Engelstalige profiel laat ik graag staan: 'For instance, in one actual day, I worked on submitting requests to the web interface of an external party, interrupted to help my colleague to debug a legacy C++ application. Then I wrote some exception logging classes in C#. In the afternoon, I wrote some queries to the SQL database and added the results as attributes to a selection dropdown on a html page. With Javascript and jQuery, I created some functions that could update a web form client side based on a newly selected value from the dropdown box.'

Altran | Jun 2016 - Dec 2016

Senior Software Engineer - C / C++ - Python

ASML farm-out metrology software engineering projects, in-house at Altran. Unfortunately, the project got downsized from 42 to 27 FTE, and being flex- force I was on the list to be downsized. Software engineering tasks included, but were not limited to: * extracting data from machine job descriptions, programmatically validate them and manipulate them to meet new business requirements, store the new jobs * solving issues (and bugs) * refactor software code for maintainability * sync software between releases

Mapscape B.V. | Oct 2014 - May 2016

Senior Software Designer - C++ - SQLite


dutchbedandbreakfast.com | Aug 2015 - Jan 2016

Manage longstay apartment in 's-Hertogenbosch/Rosmalen Netherlands

We rent out the apartment on our first floor. It is about 38m2 and it has two rooms: a living/bedroom, and a dining room/kitchen. It also has a separate bathroom. I manage technicalities, including website and Google Ads campaigns when we need a new tenant. I manage technicalities, like the website: www.dutchbedandbreakfast.com (down because the rooms are unavailable), set-up Google Ads when we need a new tenant, etcetera.

ASML | Jul 2013 - Aug 2014

Software Designer

Development for various out-sourced ASML projects, including but not limited to: * V3 reticle introduction, change the reticle marker layouts for many (100+) recipes for various machine types. * QBL sync SBC2 Focus, migrate a delayed project from one strayed software branch to the qualified baseline. 9 months of software development from a different team had 8 weeks delay. Using clever test automation I executed a controlled migration of changes. * TOP-RC2: this project was stagnated in the test phase, because no reliable test results could be created, before I was added to the project. By clarifying the test plan and expected outcomes we progressed in the testing, found and fixed some issues, and finally delivered the project with limited delay. C++, Matlab, Solaris, TDD, ClearCase.

Nspyre | Jul 2013 - Aug 2014

Software Engineer

Various outsourced projects (see section ASML).

pieterkuppens.net | Apr 2013 - Present

Software en Data Professional - Python - C# - SQL - Azure - AWS - DevOps - AI - Machine Learning


pieterkuppens.net | Apr 2013 - Present

Software en Data Professional - Python - C# - SQL - Azure - AWS - DevOps - AI - Machine Learning

Veelzijdig Software en Data architect. Het ene moment onderhoud ik Jenkins/ Jira CI/CD tooling, het andere moment combineer ik seriele en netwerk communicatie. Of maak ik slimme en efficiente SQL queries en Python/C++/ C# programma's. Liefst in een context waarin ook mijn TU/e Wiskunde tot z'n recht komt: Healthcare, Finance, High-Tech. Heb je een mogelijke opdracht de omgeving van Den Bosch of Eindhoven? Mail deze naar [email protected] , en ik antwoord zo snel mogelijk of ik wat voor je kan betekenen. Ik werk ook via recruiters/intermediairs. Wel op basis van een concrete en relevante mogelijke opdracht in mijn regio. Dat communiceert het makkelijkst over mijn interesses en mogelijkheden.

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. | Nov 2012 - Apr 2013

Technical Engineer

Take part of the Scrum team that implemented changes in an 'OTAP' development street, to the portal for mortgage consultants, including creating overview pages, creating calculation modules, securing data transportation. Visual Studio, C#, WCF, OTAP, MSSQL, CSV, HTML, CSS, TDD.

Everest BV | Apr 2012 - Apr 2013

Technical Engineer

Company that I worked for during the two ABN AMRO and the Aquima/Blueriq jobs.

Blueriq | Jun 2012 - Nov 2012

Technical Engineer - Frontend - C# - WPF - HTML - CSS

Aquima was the internal Business Process Management tool of Everest. Towards separation of Aquima into a standalone product and company (Blueriq) I was team member of the team that implemented the branding and styling changes of Aquima. C#, HTML, CSS, WPF

ABN AMRO Lease | Apr 2012 - Jun 2012

Security Specialist - SMS - 2FA - Password Policies

Implement two factor authentication using SMS in Lease Portal: * Change authentication flow to include an SMS challenge (user should have access to mobile phone to prove identity) * Connect to SMS service provider * Analyse, update, implement password security policy Visual Studio, C#, MSSQL, WCF, Agile/Scrum

Philips Healthcare | Jan 2011 - Apr 2012

Software Designer - C++ - C#

In XperCT team develop software for medical purposes, especially 'Ablation', to treat cancer and cardiovascular diseases. By injecting needles whose tips can be either frozen or heated, some malign tissues can be eliminated. I helped to create 3D isotherm visualizations of expected temperatures around the needle tip to help the surgeon determine if the right amount of tissue was eliminated. Not too much to keep healthy tissue, not too little to fully eliminate the disease. Technically I used OpenGL 3D libraries where the view could be rotated and I applied sliders for the opacity (transparency) of the ablation zones. Tools and methodologies: C++, OpenGL, C#/.NET, TDD, Agile/Scrum, MFC/UI Design.

Fourtress | Jan 2011 - Apr 2012

Software Designer

Detachering bij Philips Healthcare te Best

BOSOR | Jan 2010 - Jan 2011

Software ontwikkelaar

Web application ontwikkeling voor werkroosters. MySQL naar MSSQL conversie, Delphi, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Windows Server. Platform migratie: Embarcadero RAD 2006 naar Visual Studio Oxygene 2010.

ASML | Jan 1997 - Jan 2009

Software Designer

Data Analysis: Collect and analyse imaging data. Calculate imaging parameters from the data via Matlab models. Visualize. Model machine parameters. Calculate machine settings for optimal performance. E.g. from the measurement data for aerial images determine image aberrations. From the lens model, calculate a parameter set to correct for these aberrations. Technical Automation: Automate procedures in Software. Develop software to improve the behavior, e.g. speed up steps in the procedures. Develop and implement data interfaces for Data Collection. Expertise: C, Matlab including mcc (matlab-c compiler), C++, XML, Lex, Yacc, ..

TOPIC Embedded Systems | Jan 1996 - Jan 1997

Software Engineer

Detachering bij ASML

TU/e | Jan 1994 - Jan 1996


Ontwerpersopleiding. Bouwen van een compiler voor Parallelle Object Oriented Specification Language (POOSL). C, Lex, Yacc.

Ministerie van Defensie | Jan 1993 - Jan 1994

Dienstplichtig Kanonnier

Chauffeur 4 tonner in een DAF YA-4442.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Annual Plus, Information TechnologyPluralSight | 2023
Professional Program, Data Scienceacademy.microsoft.com | 2018
AiO-2, Information&CommunicationEindhoven University of Technology | 1996
Ir, WiskundeEindhoven University of Technology | 1993
Master of Science (MSc), Mathematics and Computer ScienceEindhoven University of Technology | 1993

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