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Sergio Garcia Mora

Sergio Garcia Mora

Data Science Associate Principal

Accenture | Buenos Aires, Argentina


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Data Analyst

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Data advocate, championing the power of information for positive change.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to R


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python


R4HR - Club de R para RRHH - 4° Encuesta KIWI de Sueldos de RH


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

The Carpentries Data Carpentry Instructor Training Program

Datacamp Data Analyst with R Track

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Accenture | Jan 2024 - Present

Data Scientist Associate Principal

I'm part of the Applied Intelligence team, to develop People Analytics projects using GenAI, Machine Learning and dashboard so HR departments can lead the change with data and insights.
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MSD | Jan 2022 - Jan 2024

Workforce Analytics Specialist

My role is to provide support to HRBPs using analysis, dashboards and reports so they can have better conversations with business leaders, leveraging on insights for decision making. I provide support globally to one business unit, and regionally to all divisions, and I'm a team member of the EBRG Women Network Argentina. Part of my job consists in upskilling my clients, helping them to create their own reports, solving problems, and teaching in workshops. The tools I use are: - Visier to create analysis and dashboards - Workday as data source - Glint for everything that relates to Employee Listening - R for periodic and one time ad-hoc reports - Power BI for specific requests.

Club de R para RRHH | May 2020 - Present


The Club de R para RRHH is a R learning community of programming, aimed to HR professionals and students. We gather people from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and is constantly growing. All the content is in Spanish, in which we revise packages, and teach diverse topics such as predictive analysis, text mining, reporting, visualization and more. We carry out projects with public datasets and also carry out our own surveys. We also invite specialists who teach us some advance content in order to broaden our learning and help us to expand our skills.

ITBA | Feb 2020 - Present

People Analytics Teacher

Teacher of HR Metrics, Statistics for People Analytics, and Visualizations and Data Storytelling classes.

Data 4HR | Jul 2016 - Jul 2022

People Analytics Specialist

At Data 4HR we're convinced that HR has an unique opportunity to lead the change towards a Data Driven culture, in which Analytics is an essential link for the business evolution through this Industrial Revolution. We generate insights through Report Process Automation (RPA) in BI platforms and Data Mining techniques. My role is to spread the discipline all along the country and LATAM, reducing the analytical gap in organizations.

Data IQ - Qlik Select Master Reseller | Nov 2019 - Dec 2021

SME People Analytics

As a SME in People Analytics, my rol is to provide fresh perspectives to current HR projects to deepen the analysis to guide our clients into advanced analytics projects. I'm responsible for content creating, doing webinars and participating in business events and webinars as speaker. I also develop ideas for public demos and specific demos for prospects. I've delivered internal training on People Analytics, Communications, and Storytelling. Internal Projects: Return to the office plan, with Walter Guerrero Survival analysis for predicting turnover with Dario Perea

Pilkington Automotive Argentina S.A. | Sep 2010 - Jun 2016

HR Analyst

Labour costs forecasting. Compensation Management. Design of absenteeism metrics. Request of Insurance Retributions (Labour Risk Law). Forecasting of sues, and outsourced employees Solving of claims and consultations of employees and Union representatives. Labour inspections assistance. Provide Legal Bureau with information to reply sues and notifications. Applying of disciplinary measures. Design and implementation of Appraisal System. Employee Feedback: Administration and results communication. Action plans follow up. Collaboration in the organization of company’s events. (Family Day; Safety Day) Design and teaching of training courses. Health Department Responsible. Oversee compliance of hiring and termination processes. Manage Salary Records. Developed guides about tax on income for our employees. I closed agreements for direct shopping benefits. Fire brigade member.

Famiq S.A. | Aug 2008 - Aug 2010

HR Administrative

Staff Administration: Management of incoming and terminations of personnel. Making of Working Certificates. Induction, making of incoming workers communication. File maintenance and archive. Working registries updating. Absenteeism control and monthly reports. Buenos Aires City Employers Registry. Garnishment coordination with Law Bureau. Mutuals and Private Health Services: Enrolment of new employees at mutual health organization. Assistance on family members incorporations, changes, etc.. Private health companies Enrolment. Assistance on costs. Monthly reports. Enrolment in syndicates. ANSeS (Social Security National Administration): Presentation of bank accounts of the new employees. Presentation of maternity benefits, child allowances, etc.. Unique payment allowance assistance. Communication of monthly allowance calendar. Recruitment: Profile review. Coordination and monitoring of job searchs with external parties for productions and technical profiles. Publishing in job search websites. Resume selection and interviewing. Prelabor medical and psychological exams coordination. ART (Working Risk Insurance Company): Denoucement of work accidentes. Treatments monitoring, request of transfer for accident workers. Request of insurance retributions. Additional Information: Courses and seminaries inscriptions. Assistance on work incidents. First Aid kits maintenance and products rerun. Disciplinary warning writing. Communication of birthdays and births. Office supplies orders. I eventually help with salary advance, syndical quota payment, and accounting entries on SAP system.

Consultoría Y Producción S.A. | Dec 2006 - Aug 2008

Recruitment Analyst

Recruitment of technical, production, professional, administrative profiles, and for supervision and middle management searches. Profile review with customers. Publishing in job search websites. Candidates presentation and coordination of interviews with the client. Searches monitoring. Prelabor medical and psychological exams coordination

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Diplomatura Ciencias Sociales Computacionales y Humanidades Digitales, Applied Data Mining in Soc...Universidad Nacional de San Martín | 2021
Maestría en Explotación de Datos y Descubrimiento del Conocimiento, Data MiningUniversity of Buenos Aires | 2017
Licenciado, Relaciones de TrabajoUniversidad de Buenos Aires | 2012
Técnico en Electrónica, ElectronicsE.P.E.T. N° 14 - Neuquén Capital | 1998

About Me

Sergio Garcia Mora

I'm a HR professional passionate about Data Science and People Analytics. I currently work in Accenture as a DS Associate Principal, and I'm a People Analytics Teacher at ITBA. I also lead a community of R programming for HR called R4HR.

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