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Cemile Senem Arabaci

Cemile Senem Arabaci

Data Scientist

University of Waterloo


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Workbook

Course Notes: Deep Learning with PyTorch

My New Course

Introduction to Tableau

My New Workbook

Course Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python

Insights architect, designing structures of knowledge with data as the foundation.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Course Notes: Deep Learning with PyTorch


Course Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python


Course Notes: Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL (copy)

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Women in AI | Feb 2023 - Present



University of Waterloo | Sep 2020 - Sep 2022

Graduate Research And Teaching Assistant

Relativistic Quantum Information: Researching quantum gravity systems and their quantum effects - Quantum Field theories on 3+1 D periodically identified Minkowski Quotient Topological Spacetimes and 2+1 D Topological Gravity (BTZ Black holes) - Aiming to find the existence of quantum black holes Extensive programming in Mathematica software to simulate how quantum gravity systems interact and evolve. holding office hours, online Q&A, grading assignments and exams PHYS 334 - Quantum Physics 2 PHYS 342 - Electricity and Magnetism 2
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Inspirit Innovators | Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

AI Fellowship in Machine Learning

Python: + Sentiment analysis ▪ Analyzed the unbalanced Yelp review dataset using numpy, pandas, and wordcloud libraries: Yelp Review Sentiment Classifying Positive and Negative reviews ▪ Preprocessed and vectorized our text data for natural language processing using scikit-learn, spacy, and NLTK libraries ▪ Trained a sentiment analysis classifier with a logistic regression model with word embeddings (Word2vec) with 0.76 accuracy score + Text Generation Fake news ▪ Built a machine learning program with neural networks to create a language model that can generate text and learn the rules of grammar and English ▪ Encoded the text data for the language model using one hot encoding ▪ Built and trained Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) models in deep learning from Tensorflow Keras with a loss value of 2.2 + Recognizing handwritten numbers with Neural Networks ▪ Trained a simple K-neighbors classifier with 0.931 accuracy and logistic regression classifier with 0.895 accuracy score for computer vision using scikit- learn library ▪ Built a neural network to be able to classify handwritten numbers from Tensorflow Keras ▪ Improved my model with convolutional neural networks using stochastic gradient descent and reached a 0.891 accuracy score + Drug Discovery ▪ Predicted solubility using linear regression with 0.60 R2 value and graph neural networks with 0.74 R2 value reaching close to 0.78 R2 value of trained ESOL model ▪ Identified toxicity by creating a graph neural network model and trained it for 20 epochs and by utilizing the DeepChem library ▪ Achieved a baseline accuracy of 100% minus 0.07 and an overall accuracy of 0.60 for soluble molecules + Analyzed tweets using cosine similarity in different need and resource categories from people experiencing natural disasters.

Self Employed | Dec 2021 - Apr 2022

Private Tutor


NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration | May 2020 - Aug 2020

NASA Proposal Writing and Evaluation Experience Academy collaborator in team 10

• Collaborated on project ideation of Artemis mission and proposal writing as a team • Evaluated other teams’ proposals • Project accepted for prototype construction at Kennedy Space Center Learned how to effectively write a concept proposal that turns innovative ideas into a reality. To gain experience in the process of writing, reviewing, and scoring proposals through the lens of a NASA reviewer. Proposed an environmental tech idea for the sustainability of lunar surface activities during Artemis missions and I helped to develop other Artemis mission ideas.

University of Missouri-Kansas City | Jan 2018 - May 2020

Honors College student at the UMKC

graduated with university honors Magna cum laude (GPA 3.9/4) after completing honors credits for research and course work

University of Missouri-Kansas City | Oct 2017 - Mar 2020

Research Assistant

I was a member of the Electronic Structure Group at the University of Missouri Kansas City. I participated in computational research on tungsten (W) and Bulk Metallic Glasses such as Zr-Cu, and Zr-Cu-Al alloys.

Arizona State University | May 2019 - Aug 2019

Summer Intern

Beyond: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science Contributed to novel calculations for dark matter annihilation

İzmir Özel Fatih Koleji | Apr 2016 - Apr 2016

Poster Presentation Participant

2016 DOESEF Science Fair, Izmir Private Fatih College, Izmir, Turkey. Received 12th Anniversary RICOH sustainable development award Presented Manisa Safflower Project: Using environment and air-polluting olive pomace and fly ash to grow safflower plants, in order to rehabilitate coal and other mining areas and recycle olive pomace and fly ash to nature

Şifa Üniversitesi | Nov 2015 - Nov 2015

3rd winner Oral Presentation Participant

1. National Bilfest Competition, Şifa University, Supervisor: Hüseyin Sarıbaşak, Res Assoc, (Curr. Pos.: Yale University), School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey. Presented Manisa Safflower Project: Using environment and air-polluting olive pomace and fly ash to grow safflower plants, in order to rehabilitate coal and other mining areas and recycle olive pomace and fly ash to nature

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Theoretical and Mathematical PhysicsUniversity of Waterloo | 2022
Bachelor's degree, PhysicsUniversity of Missouri-Kansas City | 2020
High School Diploma, ScienceScience High School | 2017

About Me

Cemile Senem Arabaci

Looking for data science positions ML Specialist positions

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