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Sitraka Forler

Sitraka Forler

Data Scientist

Reveals | France


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Workbook

Optimizing Online Sports Revenue

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Data philosopher, pondering the mysteries of existence through statistical analysis.

My Work

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Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for Natural Language Processing using WordCloud


Introduction to Data Science in Python


Understanding Data Science

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

VirtualExpo Group | Mar 2021 - Present

Data Scientist - Qualiticien web

NLP pour les descriptions des produits proposés sur les sites webs de VE via Python (Keras, Tensorflow & Hugging Face). KPI du trafic web (HeidiSQL, Python, Excel). Mise en place de modèles prédictifs pour le pôle commercial (Python, DataIku). Réaliser avec l’équipe qualité les audits sur différents projets. Identifier, analyser et recentrer les anomalies, dérives et les non conformités, puis proposer des actions préventives et correctives pour les résoudre. Mettre en place des indicateurs et tableaux de bord de suivi. Intervenir sur les indicateurs de Qualités lorsqu’ils présentent des incohérences. Effectuer les rapports Qualité. Participer à la rédaction des ajustements de procédures (internes et outsourcing). Outils quotidien: DataIku (DSS) & Python (Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy & HuggingFace)
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STMicroelectronics | Jun 2020 - Nov 2020

Data Analyst

Mise en place de deux Tableaux de Bords (dashboards) portant sur les indicateurs de performances de la ligne de production via TIBCO-Spotfire (langage R, .net et html). Mise en place de l'automatisation d'envoi de documents servants aux Ingénieurs Industriels et au Managers de la Fab.

Junior Data Analysts | Oct 2018 - Jun 2020


Junior Data Analysts provides solutions to companies and institutions based on the training provided to AMSE students in the fields of finance, marketing, data science and economic analysis.

Aix-Marseille School of Economics | May 2019 - Jul 2019

Research assistant

*The para-demographic productivity gap in the developing world: an international comparison* During that internship i was under the supervision of Pr. Gilles Dufrenot at the Aix-Marseille School of economics. During that internship we had to analyse the previous and actual point of view of existing scientific papers, then we worked on the econometrics regressions and interpretations. Our paper investigates the heterogeneous productivity gaps by panel stochastic frontier models to confirm a para demographic “burden” through inefficiencies in the labor productivity in the developing countries. As a result, in terms of productivity, Sub-Saharan Africa does not benefit from a demographic dividend. **Order of Authors: Kimiko Sugimoto; Gilles Dufrénot; Sitraka Forler;Hadiza Mahaman

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Quantitative EconomicsAix-Marseille School of Economics | 2020
Bachelor's degree, Economics and ManagmentAix-Marseille Université | 2018
PACES, Première Année Commune aux Etudes de SantéAix-Marseille Université | 2016

About Me

Sitraka Forler

Bonjour ! My name is Sitraka FORLER. I'm French with Gasy origins (aka Madagascar). I'm trying to become a Data Expert! Mastering Data engineering to speech. I'm currently working in Luxembourg as a Data Scientist doing more and more Data Eng.

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