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Soroush Ziaee

Soroush Ziaee

Master Student

York University | Toronto, ON, Canada


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Github

GitHub - SoroushZiaee/pretrain-imagenet

Curious explorer of data landscapes, seeking hidden treasures.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


GitHub - SoroushZiaee/RCNN-InceptionResNet-DeepMac


GitHub - SoroushZiaee/baseline_models_eeg


GitHub - SoroushZiaee/pretrain-imagenet


DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

ATHLX | Jun 2023 - Present

Product Owner

My Duties: - Developing Python programs for measuring anthropometric data, ensuring precision and accuracy in data collection. - Designing an Augmented Reality (AR) game based on cognitive neuroscience exercises, integrating scientific principles into engaging gameplay. - Planning and strategizing for the development team, orchestrating project timelines, resources, and milestones to achieve objectives. - Creating a roadmap for the company's future, envisioning long-term goals and outlining the steps required to achieve them. - Developing content for pitch decks, and crafting compelling and informative presentations to attract investors and stakeholders. - Conducting meetings with the product team and software development team to facilitate communication, align objectives, and resolve any issues. My Achievements: - Established comprehensive regulations and procedures for all operations, ensuring consistency, quality, and compliance across the board. - Refined the design of products, leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction, contributing to the company's growth. - Created a strategic roadmap for the company's future, laying a solid foundation for long-term success and direction.
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KeyLead Health | Jun 2019 - Jun 2023

Data Scientist

Activities: - Signal processing, Feature engineering, machine learning in the BCI field - Fully Capable of working on the EEG signal - Hands-on text processing with Tensorflow Keras API - Running NLP model for text sentiment analysis

K. N. Toosi University of Technology | Sep 2020 - Jun 2021

Teacher Assistant

Activities: - Teacher assistant of statistical and probabilities - Teacher assistant of Signal and systems - Lab assistant at Electrical circuit laboratory

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Computational Neuroscience  · (January 2024 - JanuaryYork University | 2026
Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringK. N. Toosi University of Technology | 2023
National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents
High School Diploma, Mathematics(Sampad) | 2018

About Me

Soroush Ziaee

I'm a Data scientist intern and Junior researcher that working on Natural language processing, Classification Motor Imagery(MI) tasks, and Brain data(i.e. EEG signal). Being motivated and passionate about doing research in Brain-Computer Interface(BC

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