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Francisco Sanchez Oliver

Francisco Sanchez Oliver

Data Engineer



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Course Notes: Introduction to MLflow


Building AI Applications with LangChain and GPT


Course Notes: Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

JLL | Sep 2022 - Present

Big Data Engineer

Data Engineer with Spark, Azure, Databricks, Azure Devops

Bankinter | Mar 2020 - Mar 2023

Big Data Engineer

Big Data engineer. Technologies used: Hadoop, Hive, Impala, Spark, Python, Bash, Git, Excel, Cloudera • Data ingestion. • Permissions management. • Big Data processing with Spark. • Creation of data pipelines with Spark, Python and Kedro. • Data analysis and reporting: SQL, Hive, Impala, Jupyter Notebooks. • Code improvements, scalability, efficiency, maintainability. • Creation of a programming standard for the department. • Monitoring the correct use of Git in department. • Deployment to production environment using Jenkins, Docker and own tools. • Maintenance of legacy programs. • Management of small teams with Scrum, Jira, Excel. • Migrations of programs to new versions.
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Pragsis Bidoop | Jul 2019 - Mar 2020

Data Engineer

Big Data engineer in charge of the data ingestion. Technologies used: Hadoop, Hive, Impala, Spark, Python, Bash

CMV | Nov 2018 - Jul 2019

Software Engineer

Software Engineer for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Scrum, Java, XML, Xquery, JSP, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap 4, CSS, SQL, Git.

E-TIC Sistemes | May 2018 - Oct 2018

Software Engineer

Software engineer for a mass-media doing tasks from the planning and management of a project, going through the design of the architecture of the system until its codification. Using Scrum and technologies como: Java 8, Spring, JSP, JSON, XML, Docker, Git, Javascript, CSS, Couchbase.

Tecnocom | Nov 2017 - May 2018

Frontend developer

Front End Developer for a Core-Banking Project using mostly Java and JavaScript.

Universidad de Almería | Mar 2017 - Nov 2017

Database Administrator

Diseño, implementación y gestión de una base de datos relacional Oracle. Creación de una aplicación en Visual Basic para Access. Creación de Macros para Excel.

Telefónica | Jul 2016 - Oct 2016

Software Engineer

Creación e implementación de una aplicación AndroidTV utilizando Java como lenguaje principal, Retrofit, JSON, Roboelectric y SQL para la start-up LockUp.

Telefónica | Mar 2016 - Jun 2016

Software Engineer

Desarrollo de un portal Web en el CMS Drupal 7 para la gestión de documentos históricos. Se utilizó PHP como lenguaje principal, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, XML, MySQL, Ubuntu, Git.

Diputación de Almería | Oct 2015 - Jan 2016

Software Engineer

Instalación de un servidor en Linux (Debian) para controlar el inventario (hardware) de la Diputación de forma automatizada. Se instaló una herramienta llamada OCS Inventory para hacer esta tarea. Creación de una aplicación web para interactuar con el servidor y para hacer las operaciones básicas CRUD. Para el desarrollo de esta aplicación web se uso Java, ZK Framework, Hibernate, y una bd Oracle. Se utilizó Subversion como herramienta de control de versiones.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Grado en Ingeniería, Ingeniería informáticaUniversidad de Almería | 2017

About Me

Francisco Sanchez Oliver

Machine Learning Engineer

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