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    Your DataCamp Workspace

    🏁 Welcome! This is a Jupyter Notebook, a document that contains text cells (what you're reading right now) and code cells. What is special with a notebook is that it is interactive: You can change or add cells, and then run a cell by first selecting it and then clicking the run cell button above ( ▶ | Run ) or clicking Ctrl+Enter.

    1. Add Text

    Use Markdown syntax to add a detailed narrative of your analysis in markdown cells. Pressing Ctrl + Enter will render the markdown text.

    2. Run Code 🏃

    You can embed Python code chunks in your notebook by adding code cells as the one below. You can run this code by pressing Ctrl+Enter when the cell is active.

    import as px
    xs = list(range(20))
    ys = [ 2**x for x in xs ]
    px.line(x=xs, y=ys)

    3. Publish Work 🍻

    When you are ready to share your analysis, you can click the Publish button to build a publication that includes the rendered markdown text, the code cells and the outputs of the code cells.

    4. Explore more!

    Head over to the dashboard and discover other templates to kick-start your data science portfolio! 🚀