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Bayesian Optimization tutorial
Libraries Import
In this notebook, we will be using the following libraries:
: a library for numerical computing in Python.scipy
: a library for scientific computing in Python.sklearn
: a library for machine learning in Python.GPyOpt
: a library for Bayesian optimization in Python.
To use these libraries, we need to import them at the beginning of our code. We can do this using the import
statement followed by the name of the library.
import numpy as np import scipy as sp import sklearn as skl import GPyOpt as gpo
We ensure you have the following Python libraries installed:
- xgboost: for the XGBoost model
- scikit-learn: for data handling and evaluation metrics
- GPyOpt: for Bayesian Optimization
- numpy: for numerical operations
- You can install these packages using pip:
!pip -q install xgboost scikit-learn GPyOpt numpy
Import the relevant libraries
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing as fch
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from GPyOpt.methods import BayesianOptimization
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
import numpy as np
Dataset preparation
# Load dataset
california_housing = fch()
X =
y =
# Split the dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
print(f"Training Shape: {X_train.shape}")
print(f"Testing Shape: {X_test.shape}")
Hyperparameter tuning using Random Search
# Parameter grid
param_dist = {
'max_depth': [3, 10, 5, 15],
'min_child_weight': [1, 5, 10],
'subsample': [0.5, 0.7, 1.0],
'colsample_bytree': [0.5, 0.7, 1.0],
'n_estimators': [100, 200, 300, 400],
'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2]
# Initialize XGBoost regressor
xgb_reg = xgb.XGBRegressor()
# Set up RandomizedSearchCV
random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(
xgb_reg, param_distributions=param_dist, n_iter=25,
scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=3, verbose=1, random_state=42
# Fit RandomizedSearchCV, y_train)
# Best parameters
print("Random Search Best Parameters:", random_search.best_params_)
Hyperparameter tuning using bayesian optimization
from GPyOpt.methods import BayesianOptimization
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# Parameter bounds
baysian_opt_bounds = [
{'name': 'max_depth', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': (3, 10, 5, 15)},
{'name': 'min_child_weight', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': (1, 5, 10)},
{'name': 'subsample', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (0.5, 1.0)},
{'name': 'colsample_bytree', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (0.5, 1.0)},
{'name': 'n_estimators', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': (100, 200, 300, 400)},
{'name': 'learning_rate', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (0.01, 0.2)}
# Objective function
def xgb_cv_score(parameters):
parameters = parameters[0]
score = -cross_val_score(
X_train, y_train, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=3).mean()
return score
# Bayesian Optimization
optimizer = BayesianOptimization(
f=xgb_cv_score, domain=baysian_opt_bounds, model_type='GP',
acquisition_type='EI', max_iter=25
# Best parameters
best_params_bayesian = {k: int(v) if k in ['max_depth', 'min_child_weight', 'n_estimators'] else v for k, v in zip(['max_depth', 'min_child_weight', 'subsample', 'colsample_bytree', 'n_estimators', 'learning_rate'], optimizer.x_opt)}
print("Bayesian Optimization Best Parameters:", best_params_bayesian)