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Introduction to Statistics in R
Introduction to Statistics in R
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Intro to Statistics ->
- Descriptive statistics focuses on describing and summarizing the data at hand. After asking four friends how they get to work, we can see that 50% of them drive to work, 25% ride the bus, and 25% bike. These are examples of descriptive statistics.
- Inferential statistics uses the data at hand, which is called sample data, to make inferences about a larger population. We could use inferential statistics to figure out what percent of people drive to work based on our sample data.
Types of Data ->
There are two main types of data.
- Numeric (quantitative data) is made up of numeric values.
- Categorical (qualitative data) is made up of values that belong to distinct groups.
calculate mean
calculate median
- The median is the value where 50% of the data is lower than it, and 50% of the data is higher. We can calculate this by sorting all the data points and taking the middle one
sort(msleep$sleep_total) #way 1
median(msleep$sleep_total) #way 2
calculate mode
- most frequent value in the data
msleep %>% count(sleep_total, sort = TRUE)
There are 4 mammals that sleep for 12.5 hours, so this is the mode.