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Andrés Calvete

Andrés Calvete

Developer Leader

Lemonk Studio | Bogotá, Colombia


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Líder al que le encantan los retos, el crecimiento personal, espiritual y las actividades físicas.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python


Investigating Netflix Movies


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones, Colombia Fundamentals in Data Analytics

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Lemonk Studio | Jun 2021 - Aug 2024

Developer Leader

Identify and explore solutions to project needs and issues, learn new skills to provide the most efficient and cost-effective solution, and integrate those solutions into projects, training the team. Develop and implement a work plan that identifies and represents each project with its respective stages and the metrics (development times, requirements, dependencies, roadblocks, risks, and objectives) at each stage. Develop and update guidelines that explain the best practices to be followed according to the development of the service, maintaining documents with the description of the same. Submit daily and weekly project progress reports to the company's operations office. Monitoring project and team performance, correcting deficiencies through positive and targeted feedback. Coordination of staff professional development training. Develop plans for review and approval of products to satisfaction for quality, functionality, and aesthetic design, based on project needs, execution manuals, templates, quality standards, client or Project manager instructions, and/or team feedback documents.
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My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Engineer in Petroleum Fundación Universidad de América | 2018

About Me

Andrés Calvete

I am passionate, enthusiastic, and a leader who loves challenges, personal and spiritual growth, and physical activities. Currently looking for opportunities as a Data Engineer and ML Engineer too.

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