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Arnaldo Novoa

Arnaldo Novoa

Business Intelligence Analyst

Escuela Nacional de Administración y Hacienda Pública ENAHP / National School of Administration and Finance


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Introduction to Power BI

Algorithmic artist, painting vibrant pictures with lines of code.

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Introduction to Power BI


Data Visualization in Power BI


Introduction to DAX in Power BI

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Veciiino Mercado Super | Apr 2022 - Present

Business Intelligence Specialist

SQL Server Power BI MS Excel Python Assigned to Business Intelligence Management. Achievements: - Analysis of products through criteria such as: volume, sales margin, Mark Up and recommendation to add more stock and cold stock removal - Excel - Creation of Sell Out, usable by Commercial, Operations, Marketing and Finance areas - Excel, Power BI and SQL. - Control, management of Inventory Loading by branch for YA ORDERS and COCOMMERCADO - Reporting to Management and President directly. - Web Scraping of Competitor Prices of the same Item through Python. - Management and Internal Control of Resources and use of goods. - Classification of Customers through Churn Rate, amounts spent and frequency of the same in SQL and Power BI. - Combat fraud or abuse of benefits of our collaborators. - Weekly sales reports to the different store managers, with the products with the highest rotation, sales and weekly ranking. - Weekly monitoring of customer loyalty. - Support to the Sales department, in SQL, for sales classification, by sales ticket and range of hours, to be later shown in Power BI Dashboards. - Inventory consultation through SQL, avoiding administrative systems, saving more consultation time. - Creation of Dashboard through SQL Server, for measurement and parameterization of returns, detecting irregularities and presented to the board of managers and presidency. - Creation of KPI for Administration, Security and Technology areas. - Weekly reports for sales analysis, average ticket, categories with more sales, stores with weaknesses, among others. - Creation of Dashboards for the areas of Administration, Security and Technology according to the KPIs developed. - Optimization and creation of SQL Server queries for management area to database. - Cleaning of Sales Data in Excel to be uploaded to Power BI and be shown to the General Management.
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E-control de Plagas | Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

Data Analyst and Excel professional / Google Data Studio

Achievements: 1. Increased productivity by not having to manually search for Leads by provinces. 2. Increased productivity in automatic distribution of Leads to the technicians given to the provinces. 3. Macro for manual entry without altering the order of the Leads already established. 4. Dashboard in Google Data Studio where the economic options are quickly visualized for the owner or manager of the company, where the Leads are geolocalized given the information entered and the provinces/cities with more Leads. Connection with a colleague programmer helping to connect the website to Google Sheet, every leads information got into Google Sheet. Once there, the Leads were segmented and distributed by provinces and the corresponding Leads were delivered to each technician according to the provinces. Dashboard in Google Data Studio Macro for manual entry of Leads without the need to access the web.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

University in Public FinancesNational School of Public Administration and Finance | 2027
University in Maritime EngineeringMaritime University of Caribbean | 2023
Course in Data Analyst DataCamp | 2022

About Me

Arnaldo Novoa

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