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Abud Jose Farca Luna

Abud Jose Farca Luna

Bioinformatics Eng.

Lyon Cancer Synergie Foundation


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Data Scientist

My New Course

Introduction to Python

Insights conductor, orchestrating a symphony of knowledge from data melodies.

My Work

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Introduction to SQL




Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

SYNERGIE LYON CANCER | Nov 2019 - Present

Engineer Bioinformatics

- Data management from a wide variety of projects including translational, clinical and fundamental research. - Genomics of cancer tumors using maching learning and AI techniques. Comparison of genomic data with clinical data. - Interaction with stakeholders for planification, processing and reporting data. Data visualization and preparation for reports and scientific communications.
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Inserm | Nov 2013 - Mar 2017

Investigator (Chercheur)

Genetic basis of sleep and role of glia in sleep-wake regulation. Calcium imaging, bi-photon and confocal imaging. Behaviour (sleep and phototaxis), anatomical, metabolic and molecular techniques. Participation in regional and international meetings. (funded by INSERM-ANR). In collaboration with College de France and EPFL

University of Fribourg | May 2011 - Oct 2013

Research Associate.


Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Jan 2009 - Jan 2011

Research Associate

Department of Molecular Neurobiology of Behavior. Institute for Zoology and Anthropology. Georg-August-University of Goettingen. Germany. The neuropeptide SIF-amide, in search of its function. Circadian rhythms analysis, learning and memory in Drosophila, using calcium imaging, confocal microscopy, feeding, metabolic assays and adult behavior Teaching and supervision of bachelor and master students.

UNAM | Jan 2000 - Jan 2001

Social Service

Lab. de Neurofisiologia comparada. Physiological and behabioral recordings of circadian parameters in crustaceans.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), NeuroscienceGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen | 2008
Master’s Degree, BiologyYork University | 2005
Bachelor’s Degree, BiologiaUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2001

About Me

Abud Jose Farca Luna

Using data to improve quality of life and health is my main motivation. I have high experience in managing data analysis projects in cancer research, using the R language for data processing, analysis, visualization and reporting. In addition, I have

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