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Alyson Bezerra

Alyson Bezerra


AI Engineer



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Machine Learning with scikit-learn

My New Course

Unsupervised Learning in Python

My New Course

Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

Insights artist, transforming data into visually stunning masterpieces of knowledge.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Fuzzy String Matching in Python


Understanding Data Visualization


Supervised Learning with scikit-learn


Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python


Linear Classifiers in Python


Intermediate Python


Unsupervised Learning in Python

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

AI Fundamentals

AI Fundamentals

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Mobit Brasil | Jul 2022 - Jan 2023

Machine Learning Researcher


Instituto Atlântico | Jan 2021 - Jan 2023



NUVEN - IFCE | Aug 2016 - Present

Machine Learning Researcher

o Dev in Corneal Topography images classification process, using python and swift languages. The main libraries used were Tensorflow, Keras for CNN applications. This application was even the winner with the best innovation at Brazilian Ophthalmology Congress. o Tech leader in the development of a nodule texture classification system in computed tomography images, using machine learning techniques. The python language was used in the systems. The main libraries used were Pandas, Scikit-learn, Pylidc, Pydicon, Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCv and Spacy. o Technical leader in the development of a nodules segmentation system in computed tomography images, using python language to implement Computer Vision techniques. The main libraries used were OpenCv and Scipy. o Dev in nodules detection in computed tomography images. Python language was used for the 3D CNN development. The main libraries used were Tensorflow and Keras. o Technical leader in a system for branding vehicles classification and vehicles detection, using python language. Technologies such as transfer learning were used to use CNNs such as VGG19, Inception and YOLO. o Technical leader in a system for faults detection in vehicle traffic lanes, using python language. Technologies such as transfer learning were used to use CNNs such as VGG19, Inception and YOLO. o Dev in natural language processing systems - NLP. Pyhon language was used with the aid of NLTK, Spacy and Stanza libraries, mainly. o Tech leader in the development of a system for specular microscopy images classication, using python language with the help of libraries such as Tensorflow and Keras, mainly. o Tech leader in the development of a system for optical coherence tomography images classification, using python language with the help of libraries such as Tensorflow and Keras, mainly. o Tech leader in the development of a system for didactic capsulorhexis surgeries images classification, using python language with the aid of libraries such as Tensorflow and Keras, mainly. In addition to using image segmentation techniques such as active contours and region analysis. o In all systems, the GIT tool was used to version and store the implemented codes.
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My Education

Take a look at my formal education

PHD in Computer VisionUniversidade Federal do Ceará | 2021
Master's in Computer VisionUniversidade Federal do Ceará | 2013
Degree in MechatronicsInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará | 2010

About Me

Alyson Bezerra

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