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André Roberts

André Roberts


Unilever | Llwynmawr, Wales


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to R

Analytical innovator, pushing the boundaries of what data can reveal.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to Power BI


Introduction to DAX in Power BI


Introduction to R

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Veterinary Medicines Directorate | May 2023 - Present

Senior Scientific Officer

I work as a safety assessor within the Human and Environmental Safety Team, which is part of the VMD’s Authorisations Division. I assess user, consumer and environmental safety data submitted in support of applications for the authorisation of pharmaceutical products and provide advice from a safety perspective both within the VMD and to external stakeholders, including veterinary surgeons and members of the public.
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Health and Safety Executive | Jan 2021 - May 2023

Regulatory Scientist

Specialising in environmental fate and behaviour, looking at the evaluation of laboratory and field data examining degradation and mobility of substances in soil, water, sediment and air and preparing exposure assessments to support environmental risk assessments. I work in both Pesticide and Biocide regimes where I have an in-depth understanding of both GB and EU environmental risk assessments for products and active substances.

Hays | Jan 2019 - Jul 2019

Cover Supervisor

Day-to-day teaching cover across secondary schools in the Cheltenham and Gloucester area, supervising pupils whilst they carry out work that has been pre-prepared by a teacher. While covering, managing pupil behaviour whilst they undertake work, dealing with any immediate problems in line with the school's policies and collecting completed work at the end of the lesson.

Gloucester Academy | Mar 2019 - Jun 2019

Teaching Assistant

Carrying out maths support with mainly KS 4 students outside of lessons in small groups, covering maths lessons KS 3 & 4 and helping with general maths GCSE exam support. Worked with both higher and lower abilities preparing students for foundation and higher GCSE Edexcel maths exams

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Nov 2017 - Nov 2018

Research Assistant

Research assistant in Biogeochemistry and stable isotope research, working within the GeoZentrum Nordbayern Institute and the Department of Geography and Geosciences at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Funded by the German Research Foundation/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Tewkesbury Borough Council | Feb 2011 - Sep 2017

Pool Supervisor/Swim Teacher

Responsibilities include: Ensuring the safety of people in and around the pool environment. Developing swimming skills in young children and adults.

Channel Swimming Association Limited | Jul 2016 - Oct 2016


Officiates channel swimming attempts for solos and relays under the CSA.

STEMNET | Dec 2015 - Present


Through my role, I use my enthusiasm and commitment to encourage young people to enjoy STEM subjects, through going into schools and supporting teachers in the classroom by helping to explain the applications of STEM in industry and research.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory | Jun 2015 - Sep 2015

Research Student

This project was based at PML, an internationally renowned NERC Collaborative Research Centre whose primary purpose is to carry out fundamental and applied research in estuarine, coastal and shelf waters and the upper layers of the global ocean. I undertook the project in an intensive research environment and benefiting from working with an active and dynamic research group. I received training in the use of state of the art analytical chemistry equipment and participated in fundamental studies of marine biogeochemical cycling.

Plymouth University | May 2014 - May 2015

PALs leader for Chemistry

Responsibilities: providing help and tuition to first year chemistry students to help better their understanding of core concepts and provide general help with university life.

Tewkesbury Triathlon Club | Nov 2012 - Nov 2013

Event Director

Voluntary role, involving organising Aquathlons, one pool triathlon and one open water triathlon.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

PGCE, Secondary ScienceUniversity of Exeter | 2020
Master of Science (MSc), Oceanography (Marine Biogeochemistry)University of Southampton | 2017
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), ChemistryUniversity of Plymouth | 2016
Tewkesbury School | 2013

About Me

André Roberts

I am currently a Safety Assessor working for the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, with a background in chemical regulation. I am also a qualified teacher with a PGCE in Chemistry.

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