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Andrew Kinsman

Data scientist

Currently seeking work | London


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Track

Data Scientist

My New Course

Intermediate SQL Queries

My New Course

Intermediate Python

Data scientist

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Fraud Detection in Python


Ensemble Methods in Python


Deep Learning with PyTorch


Intermediate SQL Server


Intermediate Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

NewDay | May 2019 - Nov 2020

Data Scientist

NewDay is a financial services company with a range of own-brand and co- brand partnership credit card products. My role was to help the company realise its commitment to using advanced machine learning models for credit risk, using gradient boosting machine models instead of the “traditional” logistic regression. We have been able to demonstrate considerable uplift using these new models, while meeting stringent regulatory requirements, and these models have now been deployed into a production environment.
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Eggplant (formerly NCC Group plc Web Performance) | Jul 2017 - May 2019

Data Scientist

Eggplant provides tools to help customers test, measure and understand the speed, reliability and capacity of their website’s performance. In the data science team, we supported this with machine learning models and data- driven insights, focusing on challenges such as time series anomaly detection and forecasting, and computer vision deep learning for UI objects.

First Rank Publishing | Sep 1996 - Dec 2002

Book Publishing Editor/Company Partner

I established this publishing business in recognition of a business opportunity to ‘package’ niche books for publishers to distribute. This business venture represented a culmination of my previous experiences in publishing and enabled me to fully develop and build upon existing relationships in the industry. The scope of this work involved: > Identifying the market need for niche books and sourcing suitable authors and experts in their field to write a book in response to this need. Typically managing the publication of 25 books per annum which were sold internationally. > Handling all aspects of ‘finishing’ books including copyediting, cover design, typesetting and organising printing and binding. > Liaising with authors, publishers, suppliers and printers on a regular basis, achieving strong working relationships and establishing an excellent industry reputation. > Managing all aspects of the day to day running of the business to ensure its profitability, namely overseeing marketing, relationships, business administration and finances.

Cadogan Books plc | Sep 1993 - Aug 1996

Book Publishing Commissioning Editor


B.T. Batsford Ltd | Sep 1990 - Aug 1993

Book Publishing Editor


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master of Science (MSc), Data AnalyticsUniversity of Brighton | 2017
Master of Science (MSc), EconomicsBirkbeck, University of London | 1988
Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons), Economics with Economic HistoryUniversity of Sussex | 1986

About Me

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