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Andrew Goehl

Andrew Goehl

Senior Manager

EY LLP | Denver


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to ChatGPT

My New Track

Understanding Data Topics

Insights conductor, orchestrating a symphony of knowledge from data melodies.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Understanding Data Science


Introduction to Power BI


Introduction to ChatGPT

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

AICPA Certified Public Accountant

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

EY | Jul 2020 - Present

Senior Manager | Assurance and Attestation (Denver)

-- I primarily serve multi-national clients in the Metals & Mining industry in the Denver practice. -- I am recognized as a Top Tier instructor (see Awards and Honors below). -- I am a region champion on attestation-related matters guidance (refer to my National office experience) -- I am region champion on sustainability-related matters and guidance.
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EY | Jul 2020 - Present

Senior Manager | Audit Innovation Strategist (Denver)

-- I work with audit teams in identifying areas of opportunity for custom automated data solutions. -- I work with Alteryx and PowerBI to bring solutions to audit teams securely using their client's data. -- I am the US-West Innovation group's quality champion. -- I am a data analytics coach to audit team's implementing certified and custom solutions.

EY | Jul 2020 - Present

Senior Manager | Audit Quality Network (Denver)

-- I support firm inspection processes including PCAOB inspections as well as peer review. -- I coach engagements in implementing new digital audit methodology. -- I coach first-year SOx 404 engagements -- I mentor teams in Lean Six Sigma continuous improvement opportunities (see Certifications below).

EY | Jul 2017 - Jun 2020

Senior Manager in National Office | Specialization in ICFR and attestation (Cleveland)

-- I spent three years in National Office working on the firm's latest global audit initiatives. -- I specifically worked on initiatives related to our internal control and attestation methodology. -- I developed - and often facilitated - audit-related training material to colleagues in the US and globally. -- I assisted in authoring several EY-branded communications related to industry and regulatory updates.

EY | Dec 2012 - Jun 2017

Experienced hire Senior -> Manager -> Senior Manager | Audit and assurance (Seattle)

-- I was hired as an experienced hire from BDO USA LLP (see below). -- I specialized in serving manufacturing and IT-related clients and industries. -- I was recognized as a top performing senior, manager and senior manager. -- I was sponsored by Seattle office partners to take on a National Office role in Cleveland, OH.

BDO | Dec 2010 - Dec 2012

Audit Senior (Seattle)

As stated below, I worked with the London, England office of BDO LLP on just about a daily basis while I was with Getty Images. Through that interaction - as well as my desire to continue to pursue professional priorities in public accounting - I decided to revert back to public accounting and join the Seattle practice of BDO USA LLP. At the time, BDO - Seattle was a relatively small footprint in the Pacific Northwest market - i.e., only about ten people in its audit practice - but there were several former Deloitte colleagues that had moved over to BDO - Seattle and I had a strong working relationship with many of them. Additionally, the Seattle market had handled the credit crisis very well and continued to be a global player in aerospace, manufacturing and tech and I really enjoyed the prospect of not only growing my audit experience with BDO - Seattle but also being a major contributor in the business development of the office. If there was ever an example of a public accounting "start-up" with the backing of a global mid-tier firm, this was it. Ultimately, however - after two years with the firm - we had several significant "wins" but not enough to continue to progress my career on a path that I had envisioned when I started with the firm. I decided to part ways with BDO - Seattle and transition back into Big Four public accounting with EY LLP.

Getty Images | Apr 2010 - Dec 2010

International Accountant | Global Statutory Filing Accountant (Seattle)

I accepted this position with Getty Images after having interviewed - from December 2009 to April 2010 - with several Seattle-based companies for similar roles that I eventually accepted with Getty Images. At the time, my motivation in leaving Deloitte was to gain industry experience and to take on an international accounting role that I felt matched up perfectly with experience to-date (see Mayr-Melnholf and Pamukbank experiences below) and what I considered to be my professional priorities and aspirations. In short, I felt as though this was a perfect opportunity that I could not have passed up. And while I truly enjoyed my time at Getty Images - and made professional and personal connections that still stand to this day (including one whom is now my wife!) - I subsequently realized that there was more that I wanted to achieve in public accounting. While I was with Getty Images, my primarily responsibilities as an international accounting was to own the day-to-day operations of several components around the world, including all global statutory audits that were audited by BDO LLP in London, England.

Deloitte | Oct 2008 - Dec 2009

Audit Senior (Seattle)

-- I was an audit senior primarily serving the same large, accelerated public filers in the aerospace industry -- I was responsible for coaching and mentoring staff and other direct reports (such as India colleagues). -- I was leading a division of this aerospace client as a first year senior - which had never been done before.

Deloitte | Sep 2006 - Sep 2008

Audit Staff (Seattle)

-- My professional goal was to build-upon my int'l experience in public accounting with a Big Four firm. -- I primarily served large, accelerated public filing clients in the aerospace industry. -- I was my audit start class representative providing feedback and insights to partner panels.

Mayr-Melnhof Karton | Jan 2002 - Aug 2003

Accountant (Vienna, Austria)

-- I accepted this full-time position through my global AIESEC foundation network (see below). -- This was a full-time position with a well-known, Austrian carton board manufacturing company. -- My professional goal was to continue to build my int'l experience and improve my German proficiency.

Pamukbank | Jun 2000 - Aug 2000

Accounting Intern (Istanbul, Turkey)

-- I accepted this internship through the not-for-profit AIESEC foundation (see organizations below). -- My professional goal was to continue to gain international experience and expand my global network. -- To this day, I reflect very highly on this international internship experience (and my Turkish is still not bad).

KPMG | Jun 1999 - Aug 1999

Audit Intern (Chicago)

-- For the second consecutive summer, I was an audit intern in the KPMG Chicago office. -- I returned for another summer internship (see below) following my junior year at Miami University. -- I was offered (but I rejected) a full-time position with KPMG Chicago following this internship.

KPMG | Jun 1998 - Aug 1998

Audit Intern (Chicago)

-- I was an audit intern in the KPMG Chicago office. -- This internship followed the summer of my sophomore year at Miami University. -- I returned to Miami University for my junior year where I studied at Miami's Luxembourg MUDEC campus.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

20-hour Feeding the World certification, Agroecology and Sustainable AgricultureUniversity of Pennsylvania | 2021
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Bachelor of Science - BS, Accountancy with minors in History, European Area Studies, Internationa...Miami University | 2001
High School Diploma Carl Sandburg High School | 1997

About Me

Andrew Goehl

I am a CPA and an MBA who's passionate about the power of meaningful data insights. I am here to learn and to network - let me know what I can do for you!

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