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Gabriel Dalpiaz

Gabriel Dalpiaz

Bolttech | Portugal


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Introduction to Python

Machine learning maverick, riding the wave of algorithms to new frontiers.

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Data Manipulation with pandas


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

bolttech | Jan 2021 - Present

Dynamics 365 Software Engineer

Working as a Dynamics 365 software engineer for Bolttech on behalf of Multivision consulting. Bolttech is one of the largest and fast growing insurance tech company with large scale partners. Day to day activities include working with 5 different country instances from Asia and Europe, multiple product owner and requirements analysis. Power platform and Dynamics 365 development. Integration with several external micro services. Power Automate flows. Azure platform administration with SQL read replicas.
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Multivision - Consulting | Jan 2021 - Jun 2022

Dynamics 365 Software Engineer


AlfaPeople | Jan 2018 - Jan 2021

Dynamics 365 & BI Consultant, Team leader and Architecture

End to End Projects for large enterprise customers using Power Platform (Dynamics 365 Family, Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate among others) acting as technical leader, functional consultant and team manager. Requirements gathering and mapping of processes with the customer. Support on build of commercial proposals. Solution architecture for Dynamics 365. Manager and leadership of projects with agile methodology (SCRUM). Development of integrations between platforms. Full Scale BI projects with Power BI.

Processor | Mar 2017 - Jan 2018

Software and Solutions Architect

While in this position at Processor, I was able to work with multiple enterprise size customers, with business ranging from retail to healthcare, I worked on pre-sales helping to close deals, bringing a technical and functional vision always aiming to improve the customer's business. I worked as a technical leader on end to end projects with Dynamics CRM, solutions architecture and projects leadership.

Processor | Mar 2015 - Mar 2017

Software Architect Jr.

Project - Dynamics 365 Lojas Colombo (https://www.colombo.com.br/ ) Out 2017 – Dez 2017 Dynamics 365, integrated with Dynamics AX via SSIS, integration with POS AX via application. Taking advantage of all delivered implementations, Lojas Colombo can have more assertiveness, traceability of activities and data of its customers. • Salespeople's productivity increased dramatically since the entire activity process was dynamically structured and with more inputs, having access in real time at the store by the POS, without the need to print sheets and manual instructions by e-mail. Project - Migration Dynamics CRM Unimed POA (https:// www.unimedpoa.com.br/) Set 2016 – Jun 2017 Migration of the Dynamics CRM Unimed POA system version 2011 to 365 On Premises integrated with Sharepoint, 750 users working in 9 areas of operation permeating the entire cooperative, more than 20,000 daily cases open by the call-center on the platform in addition to all sales intelligence and medical audit, ERP integrations, contact us systems, IVR and Mobile application. I was responsible for architecting and conducting survey and documentation of requirements and dimensioning of the project, acting as architect of the migration solution by mapping the current processes and establishing new processes business and technology wise, to better use the native features of Dynamics 365. Project - SIM Lojas Renner (https://www.lojasrenner.com.br/ ) jan de 2015 – set de 2015 Large project carried out by Lojas Renner, the largest retail store in Latin America with more than 24,000 employees, in this project with more than 300 engaged employees and several suppliers, the aim of the SIM project is to unify all existing systems and concentrate them on key software , Dynamics CRM was one of them, I was responsible for integrating the system with several Oracle platforms (RMS, RFM, EBS, Allocation). Also, on this project I worked as chief software architect responsible for Dynamics CRM.

Processor | Sep 2014 - Mar 2015

Software Analyst


Processor | Feb 2013 - Sep 2014


I started on Processor in this position, and my main activities where: Development of large-scale projects using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 platform System customisations in C #, Java Script, MVVM and SQL following software quality standards, with development based on functional requirements document and schedule . Data intelligence projects using the Microsoft BI stack (SSIS, SSRS and SQL Server)

Processor | Sep 2012 - Feb 2013

Desenvolvedor Jr.


Jobsystem | Apr 2012 - Aug 2012

Programador Junior

Manutenção e desenvolvimento de ERP voltado para a área da construção civil. Migração do sistema antigo (vb6) para .NET 4.0 (c#).

Medialine | Nov 2011 - Apr 2012


Desenvolvimento de sistemas web, predominantemente escritos em ASP.NET com programação C#, banco de dados integrado SQL Server.

Softmóvel | Jun 2011 - Nov 2011

Estagiário programador

Período de estágio na empresa Softmóvel(http://www.softmovel.com.br/) atuando no setor de desenvolvimento web. Obtive experiência e conhecimento no desenvolvimento de ferramentas WEB, utilizando linguagem de programação C# com ASP.NET (2.0 e 4.0) em conjunto com bancos de dados SQL Server e Cloud Computing AZURE da Microsoft ™.

PUCRS | Sep 2009 - Jun 2011

Bolsista projeto pesquisa.

Desenvolvimento do projeto na PUCRS em parceria com a Petrobras, cujo objetivo é a obtenção e tratamento por reconhecimento de padrões de imagens geológicas. Parte do sistema foi desenvolvido em PHP, Javascript (Jquery), Ob jective C (Cocoa – Mac os X), integrado com os bancos de dados MySql e PostgreSQL no ambiente Linux/Mac os X. Tive a oportunidade de trabalhar no desenvolvimento e customização de um ambiente virtual colaborativo em parceria com o FRIDA para o NIMED (Núcleo de pesquisa em imagens médicas) da PUCRS, desenvolvendo uma área de cadastro customizada assim como um gerenciador de cadastramento de usuários no ambiente. link para o ambiente : http:// marfim.lad.pucrs.br:58080/moodle/ Em complemento a este ambiente desenvolvi uma central de monitoramento e de submissão de simulações tomográficas, estas são submetidas em um Cluster hospedado na PUCRS no laboratório de alto desempenho (LAD). O sistema utiliza Ajax,PHP,Jquery e banco de dados PostgreSQL, com bibliotecas desenvolvidas em c++ para acesso ao banco de dados (libpq e libpqxx), o tratamento das submissões é feita através de programas escritos em “c” utilizando a biblioteca pthreads. Ele pode ser acessado neste endereço : http://marfim.lad.pucrs.br:58080/central/ Ferramenta de monitoramento de uso do cluster do LAD, o sistema utiliza bibliotecas em PHP para tratar a saída de um comando (pbsNodes) e gerar uma visualização web construída com JQuery .

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Graduação, Big Data e Inteligência AnalíticaUniRitter | 2021
Ciência da computação, Information TechnologyPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul / PUCRS | 2014

About Me

Gabriel Dalpiaz

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