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Fabian Bozoglilanian

Fabian Bozoglilanian


Agile Coach

Globant | Uruguay


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Workbook

Competition - employee turnover

Data virtuoso, playing the chords of information to create harmonious insights.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Competition - Everyone Can Learn Python Scholarship


Competition - website redesign


Competition - employee turnover


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

AI Fundamentals

AI Fundamentals

Other Certificates

DataCamp AI Fundamentals

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Globant | Oct 2021 - Present

Agile Coach Ssr

Support and develop organizational agility for areas or programs within an organization: Work with product owners and customers to facilitate product development proficiency. Advise senior leaders on strategic initiatives. * Mentor leaders, managers and other agilists. * Lead the evolution of new Agile practices. * View and assess organizations systematically. * Help organizations scale their business. * Facilitate organizational and cultural change.
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Globant | Nov 2016 - Oct 2021

Team Agilist Senior

coaching them on a continuous improvement process to achieve the project's goals.

SimDesign VR Studio | Aug 2017 - Oct 2018

InmunoVR Lead Developer

Inmuno VR is a simulation about the human inmune system for high school education. This project was developed as part of Systems Engineer thesis of Patricia Sanes, Pablo Techera and Fabián Bozoglilanian at ORT Univeristy and Sim Design - VRDucaton as main Client/Sponsor. http://www.sim-design.com.uy/ http://www.vrducation.com/

3Cinteractive | Oct 2013 - Feb 2017

Scrum Master at 3C PMO

As Scrum Master Manage & Facilitate SCRUM Ceremonies. Ensure clear communication between the team and stakeholders. Identify and eliminate obstacles that prevent the team from achieving their goals. Drive Continuous Improvement. Also working as PM for small and medium size projects which require cross team coordination.

3Cinteractive | Jul 2010 - Jan 2015


3Cinteractive® provides integrated mobile software and services that help businesses communicate with consumers on their mobile device. Position As PHP Developer, I am be involved in the development and maintenance of web-based applications. Responsibilities Writing optimized SQL Performing system analysis Design, implementation, documentation, and testing

Universidad ORT Uruguay | Aug 2010 - Dec 2010

Teacher Assistant AP/ATI Programming 1 (VB.NET)

VB.Net teacher for Programmer Analyst/IT Analyst career.

Universidad ORT Uruguay | Mar 2010 - Jul 2010

Teacher Programming 1

Licenciatura de Diseño Multimedia - Programación 1 "El curso enseña las bases de programación en la Licenciatura de Diseño Multimedia. Además como lenguaje de programación se les enseña Javascript y sus aplicaciones en RIAs"

Universidad ORT Uruguay | Mar 2010 - Jul 2010

Profesor de Programacion 1

Analista Programador de Aplicaciones Web - Programación 1 "Introduce a los principios generales de la programación, abordando particularmente la resolución de algoritmos básicos, trabajando sobre estructuras en memoria, asumiendo que el alumno no tiene conocimientos previos en informática."

Keran SA | Jan 2010 - Jul 2010

Developer - IT support

Design and develop of: * Web sites * Management application * Company application research

SX Networks (Crea Labs) | Aug 2007 - Dec 2009


mantenimiento de sitios y juegos. En esos dos años de trabajo desempeñe tareas como desarrollador, project lider, Scrum Master y analista, especializándome en el analisis de requerimientos y la investigación de herramientas open source que acorten tiempos y mejoren la productividad.

Netgate | Jan 2006 - Jul 2007

PHP Developer

I been part of the development of ExpandIT web GUI (aka NGManager) http:// www.expand.com.uy. Also I been working for some other internal systems.

Estacion Zero - Ciber Cafe | Oct 2003 - Jan 2006


Maintainer, customer service and sales.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Systems Engineer, ITUniversidad ORT Uruguay | 2018
English for businessBusiness English | 2016
Developer Analyst, ITUniversidad ORT Uruguay | 2009
PHP & MySQL Developer, Computer Programming, Specific ApplicationsBIOS | 2006
Santa Luisa de Marillac | 1999

About Me

Fabian Bozoglilanian

Agile Coach and Disruptive Technology enthusiast.

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