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Tharcisse Guedegbe

Tharcisse Guedegbe

Agricultural Economist

Michigan State University | Washington DC


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Introduction to SQL

My New Track

SQL Fundamentals

Data conductor, leading the orchestra of insights with analytical finesse.

My Work

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Introduction to Power BI


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

African Development Bank Group | Dec 2022 - Present

Policy Research Consultant

■ Empirical and theoretical macroeconomic modelling and forecasting. ■ Drafting of chapters/sections of flagship reports, background papers, policy briefs, and analytical pieces. ■ Collecting, cleaning, and verifying data integrity, and conducting literature reviews
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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University | May 2019 - Nov 2022

Research Engineer

■ Collaborated with economics researchers to complete 3 Ph.D. research projects leveraging knowledge in data science techniques, including regression, spatial data analysis, economics, and analysis of socioeconomic survey data ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 observations. ■ Devised several scripts in programming languages and statistical software packages, including Python, R, Stata, and QGIS to perform all the stages of data analysis leading to 2 journal articles under peer-review. ■ Presented research outcomes at 5 research seminars.

Policy Center for the New South | Apr 2016 - May 2019

Research Assistant

■ Collaborated with a team of economists to analyze economic and agricultural policies and advise policy makers, based on expertise in economics, data analysis and visualization, technical writing, and policy analysis, as demonstrated by 10 policy reports and book chapters. ■ Innovated using Excel-VBA programming to develop innovative and efficient solutions to automate frequent and time-consuming tasks, and the analysis of a dataset of 250,000 observations. ■ Presented policy research findings at 10 conferences attended by technical and non-technical audiences, including researchers, senior managers, and policymakers.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied economicsMichigan State University | 2022
Certificate in Data scienceMassachusetts Institute of Technology | 2022

About Me

Tharcisse Guedegbe

I am a PhD in Applied Economics and a certified data scientist. I have years of experience in policy research in industry and academia as well as consulting experience with international organizations such as African Development Bank

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