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Abdallah Hassanin

Abdallah Hassanin

Data Analyst



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Data Manipulation in SQL

My New Course

Introduction to SQL

My New Course

Intermediate SQL

Quantitative strategist, harnessing the power of data for strategic advantage.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Data Manipulation in SQL


Introduction to SQL Server


PostgreSQL Summary Stats and Window Functions


Introduction to Tableau


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL


Joining Data in SQL

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.


Junior Data Analyst

- Performing analysis to assess quality and meaning of data. - Filter Data by reviewing reports and performance indicators to identify and correct code problems using statistical tools to identify, analyze, and interpret patterns and trends in complex data sets that could be helpful for the diagnosis and prediction. - Assigning numerical value to essential business functions so that business performance can be assessed and compared over periods of time. - Preparing reports for the management stating trends, patterns, and predictions using relevant data - Preparing final analysis reports for the stakeholders to understand the data- analysis steps, enabling them to take important decisions based on various facts and trends.
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CIB Egypt

Senior Universall Teller



Sales Support Analyst

Providing data and guides to help the sales team. Developing and monitoring performance indicators. Provide assistance for orders, account statuses and relevant problems. Manage & create sales tracking tools and report on important information. Keep record & analyze sales trends. Manage with account managers to develop specific sales strategies. Suggest sales process improvements. Support business decision by tracking and providing reports on opportunity/threat.  Analysis and forecasting sales. Contribute to the streamlining of the sales process. Gather, analyze, and distribute sales data. Does any necessary administrative work including filing reports or presenting sales team with necessary documents.


Operation Specialist

Monitor, anticipate and manage the live operation to ensure a great user experience Manage real-time fleet capacity Lead the communication with the fleet for ongoing orders Give an structured and actionable daily feedback to the ops managers Ensure a smooth operation by coordinating communication with Live Ops support OPERATION

Mamiba Co.

Business Analyst

Responsible for analysis, tracking and reporting. Responsible for supply and demand analysis. Responsible for sales process tracking and analyzing. Responsible for provide information to planning department to use in planning and forecasting.


Business Management Analyst

Responsible for providing strategies and solutions. Responsible for business planning. 

AIESEC in Egypt

Marketing & ER Vice President

Responsible for marketing activities and materials for all the departments. Responsible for online and offline brand image. Responsible for external, university and public relations. Responsible for business development. Responsible for relationship with all key stakeholders. Responsible for marketing penetration and utlization.

AIESEC in Egypt

Outgoing Global Volunteer Vice President

Responsible for exchange program execution. Responsible for international relations among AIESEC international. Deliver Seminars and Conferences to the exchange participants.

AIESEC in Egypt

Operational Support Team Leader

Responsible for planning, executing and tracking offline and online campaigns. Responsible for sales process improvement. Responsible for supply and demand analysis and conversation rate enhancement.

AIESEC in Egypt

Team Member

Responsible for creating marketing materials. Responsible for executing offline campaigns. Responsible for tracking sales process.


Social Media Manager


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor's degree, Information SystemsMisr University for Science and Technology | 2018

About Me

Abdallah Hassanin

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