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Al Masum Fahim

Al Masum Fahim

Software Engineer

Metro Vancouver | Vancouver, BC, Canada


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

My New Course

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

My New Course

Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python

Champion of data integrity, ensuring accuracy in the age of information overload.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Exploring Airbnb Market Trends


Exploring NYC Public School Test Result Scores


Project: What's in an Avocado Toast: A Supply Chain Analysis


Investigating Netflix Movies


DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Launchcode | Mar 2022 - Sep 2023

Software Engineer

• Led a team to successful project completion, deploying an innovative solution that seamlessly integrates multiple third-party software such as DocuSign, Survey Monkey, Sovren, AWS S3, and SNS, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. • Contributed to electron-based desktop software, which is going to be used by the oil and gas companies. • Working as a full-stack developer on a cutting-edge project that integrates various sensors to build a web and mobile application using NestJS (TypeScript), React, and React Native, utilizing the latest technologies to deliver an exceptional user experience. • Successfully modernized the legacy mobile application to utilize the latest React Native framework and completed the project within the given deadline. • Have experience configuring and deploying projects to the Kubernetes cluster. • Contributed to developing smart search and content-matching algorithms based on user profile using AI models like sentence transformers.
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NIDAAN SYSTEMS INC. | Jun 2020 - Feb 2022

Software Engineer

• Successfully designed and developed multiple modules in a company product that integrates outlook clients with an ERP system for company-specific business using C#, HTML, JavaScript, CSS while integrating with OfficeJS. • Successfully implemented the Active Directory-based authentication system in the app which prevented unauthorized access. • Implemented module unlocking feature based on product key thus increasing the ability to sell different product keys to multiple clients without needing to manually customize the product. • Introduced NUnit for testing and incorporated Log4Net to troubleshoot application in production while maintaining three client versions (outlook web, desktop, and standalone client). • Designed and developed another application from scratch after analyzing client requirements using .NET core and ReactJS framework and MS SQL as database. • Created core custom tools in React for the frontend application which enabled the user to have a smooth user exp

Jijoty BD | May 2019 - Dec 2019

Software Engineer

• Developed bots that gather data from Twitter, Reddit, Twitch and analyze data based on the user interactions. • Contributed to faster deployment with fewer bugs in production by introducing Test -Driven Development and used Mocha as a testing framework for test automation. • Prototyped the entire admin dashboard in React and contributed to developing the cross -platform mobile app using React Native. • Developed online-based sophisticated system that is being used internationally. Supervised the project as an assistant team leader in the Bangladesh office. • Designed and developed the system architecture of multiple modules like Friend referral system, user verification, social account-based login, Points generation module, and points redeem system through Shopify, etc., while overseeing the development process of those modules

Maasranga Television | Jun 2017 - Apr 2019


• Amplified data protection by Implementing a multistage backup system to protect the crucial databases. • Streamlined workflow of multiple existing software, while incorporating new features based on new requirement while also migrating multiple desktop-based apps into a web- based system. • Successfully developed an application for internal calculation and supplying results through the broadcasting system which was used for Bangladesh Govt. Election in 2018 • Developed software that was used for broadcasting FIFA 2018 in Bangladesh • Created a Radio App for mobile using React Native

March Robotics and IT Solutions | Oct 2016 - May 2017

.Net developer


Kaaktaruaa | May 2014 - Dec 2015


My responsibilities are to make different kinds of mobile games , creating game stories, animation, creating scripts for games like I/O system and AI, fixing bugs, making environment etc.

Microsoft Bangladesh | Dec 2014 - Mar 2015

App Studio Trainer

My responsibilities were to teach people on how to make app specially by non coders. I have to teach them the very basic of programming. So that they can build apps by themselves.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master's degree, Computer Security and ForensicsFairleigh Dickinson University | 2022
Bachelor of Science - BS, computer science and engineeringAhsanullah University of Science and Technology | 2016

About Me

Al Masum Fahim

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