Become a DataCamp Donates Partner
Select the best description of your organization to begin your application. It's fast, easy, and FREE!
Frequently asked questions
What can DataCamp Donates partner organizations and scholars access on the platform?
A DataCamp Donates group is equivalent to a Premium DataCamp Teams subscription AND a Teams Datalab subscription. All Premium content, including Certifications and full collaborative and processing capabilities of DataLab, is available to all admins and learners. All new content is retroactively added back into the program. Admins can access a group dashboard and the same LMS features as a Teams account.
What types of organizations are eligible?
- Professional development and job placement nonprofits
- Nonprofit data science and/or coding organizations serving historically disadvantaged communities
- Environmental, health, economic, and social science research nonprofits
- Student-run clubs/societies accredited to secondary or postsecondary schools
Who determines who gets a DataCamp Donates Scholarship, and how?
We do not have the resources to vet hundreds of thousands of applications, so we’ve partnered with nonprofit organizations that know their local communities best. We are also looking to partner with governmental social welfare agencies. These public and private organizations have already screened their members through the application processes, so they know all about their members’ financial and social situations.
That’s why we can trust them to disseminate these subscriptions fairly.
To ensure these free subscriptions are going to the people who need them most, we have instructed our partners to give them to individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Unemployed
- Underemployed (wage too low, not enough hours, etc.)
- Living below the national poverty line
- Refugees of war and/or environmental disaster
- Persons with a disability or a member of a historically disadvantaged community
- Students aged 16-26
- Nonprofit research scientist working with environmental and health data
When the program started in 2020, one of the qualifying criteria was “Having lost a loved one to COVID-19.” This is no longer a qualifying criterion. Additionally, select instructors and administrators of some of the organizations will also receive subscriptions. Admins will use their licenses to support and track the progress of their new DataCamp learners so they can take full advantage of our platform.
Lastly, all of our DataCamp Donates recipients must not pay our partner organizations anything for their services and, by extension, free access to DataCamp for one year.