Data Demystified: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data
In the second entry of data demystified, we’ll take a look at the two most common data types: Quantitative vs Qualitative Data. For more data demystified blogs, check out the first entry in the series.
1 sept 2022 · 5 min de lectura
Data Literacy Courses
2 hr
Understanding Data Visualization
2 hr
Understanding Data Engineering
2 hr
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Data Demystified: What Exactly is Data?
Welcome to Data Demystified! A blog-series breaking down key concepts everyone should know about in data. In the first entry of the series, we’ll answer the most basic question of them all, what exactly is data?
Richie Cotton
4 min
Data Demystified: The Four Types of Analytics
In the fourth entry of data demystified, we’ll break down the four types of analytics. From a descriptive to prescriptive, we’ll look at how analytics can answer the most pressing questions.
Richie Cotton
5 min
Data Demystified: An Overview of Descriptive Statistics
In the fifth entry of data demystified, we provide an overview of the basics of descriptive statistics, one of the fundamental areas of data science.
Richie Cotton
6 min
Data Demystified: Data Visualizations that Capture Trends
In part eight of data demystified, we’ll dive deep into the world of data visualization, starting off with visualizations that capture trends.
Richie Cotton
10 min
Data Demystified: The Difference Between Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
In the third entry of data demystified, we’ll define the most common pieces of jargon you hear in data science today. From machine learning to deep learning, here’s all the subfields of data you need to know.
Richie Cotton
5 min
Data Demystified: Data Visualizations that Capture Distributions
In part 10 of data demystified, we’ll dive deep into the world of data visualization, continuing with visualizations that capture distributions.
Richie Cotton
8 min