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Fine-tuning GPT3.5 with the OpenAI API

In this code along, you'll learn how to use the OpenAI API and Python to get started fine-tuning GPT3.5.
Dec 2023
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Fine-tuning models lets you customize them for new tasks. Fine-tuning GPT3.5 can give you improved accuracy if you want it to respond with legal, medical or scientific jargon, or use a particular tone of voice, or talk about niche topics.

In the first webinar in this two-part series, you'll learn how to use the OpenAI API and Python to get started fine-tuning GPT3.5.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn when fine-tuning large language models can be beneficial.
  • Learn how to use the fine-tuning tools in the OpenAI API.
  • Understand the workflow for fine-tuning

Additional Resources:

[COURSE] The fine-tuning is covered conceptually in Large Language Models (LLMs) Concepts

[COURSE] Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch

[SKILL TRACK] OpenAI Fundamentals

[TUTORIAL] Fine-Tuning GPT-3 Using the OpenAI API and Python by Zoumana
