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applying data science

Data Science & AI Code-Alongs

From data visualization to AI, code-along with experts as they solve real-world problems. Work your way through an entire project with the help of a screencast, so you never get stuck.
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Become an AI Developer

Taught by instructors from:

Building AI Systems with OpenAI & LangChain

Master the OpenAI API & LangChain packages and build AI proof of concepts along the way.

Richie Cotton
Introduction to Large Language Models with GPT & LangChain

Richie Cotton

Olivier Mertens
Prompt Engineering with GPT & LangChain

Olivier Mertens

Korey Stegared-Pace
Building Multimodal AI Applications with LangChain & the OpenAI API

Korey Stegared-Pace

Developing AI Applications with GPT and Pinecone

Combine the power of Pinecone vector databases and the OpenAI API and build chatbots with long term memory.

All Code-Alongs


Full Stack Data Engineering with Python

In this session, you'll see a full data workflow using some LIGO gravitational wave data (no physics knowledge required). You'll see how to work with HDF5 files, clean and analyze time series data, and visualize the results.
Blenda Guedes's photo

Blenda Guedes

April 17, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Using GPT on Azure

Find out how you can spin up a pay-as-you-go instance of OpenAI, and you’ll build a few simple applications that show the power of LLMs and GenAI against your data.
Dave Wentzel's photo

Dave Wentzel

March 12, 2024


Analyzing Google Sheets Data in Python

In this session you'll learn how to use DataLab to seamlessly access Google Sheets data and analyze the data with Python. Practice with exploratory data analysis tasks like crunching numbers and drawing visualizations for Google Analytics data.
Filip Schouwenaars's photo

Filip Schouwenaars

February 27, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Pair Programming with GitHub Copilot

In this session, Nuno, DataCamp's Director of Engineering, demonstrates how to make use of GitHub Copilot. You'll see how to perform a simple data analysis in conjunction with AI, and learn how to make the most of Copilot's features.
Nuno Rocha's photo

Nuno Rocha

February 20, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Building Multi-Modal Search with Weaviate

In this session, you'll learn how to use the Weaviate vector database to store these different content types, then perform search queries on them.
JP Hwang's photo

JP Hwang

January 31, 2024

Data Analysis

Get Started Analyzing Survey Data with SQL & Python

In this introductory session, you'll explore a survey on business innovation. The focus will be on principles of analyzing survey data, and you'll write some simple SQL for calculations and simple Python for data visualizations.
Richie Cotton's photo

Richie Cotton

January 24, 2024