Analyzing Credit Scores with tidymodels in R
In this live training, you'll find out how to motivate the benefits of dimensionality reduction while exploring predictors of credit scores.
10. Mai 2023
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Reshaping Data with tidyr in R
In this cheat sheet, you will learn how to reshape data with tidyr. From separating and combining columns, to dealing with missing data, you'll get the download on how to manipulate data in R.
Richie Cotton
6 Min.
Getting Started with the Tidyverse: Tutorial
Start analyzing titanic data with R and the tidyverse: learn how to filter, arrange, summarise, mutate and visualize your data with dplyr and ggplot2!
Hugo Bowne-Anderson
21 Min.
Factor Levels in R
This tutorial takes course material from DataCamp's free Intro to R course and allows you to practice Factors.
Ryan Sheehy
6 Min.
Lyric Analysis: Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning with R
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use predictive analytics to classify song genres.
Debbie Liske
43 Min.
Time Series Analysis using R: Tutorial
Learn Time Series Analysis with R along with using a package in R for forecasting to fit the real-time series to match the optimal model.
Salin Kc
16 Min.
Feature Engineering for Predicting Hotel Bookings with tidymodels
Learn how to manually engineer features, build and assess a machine learning workflow.
Jorge Zazueta