Automate Business Metric Reporting with Datalab
In this live training aimed at aspiring and active data analysts, we’ll showcase this workflow by reporting on bicycle sales and inventory data stored in Microsoft SQL Server data.
Jun 29, 2023
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Schedule Data Notebooks to Automate Business Metric Reporting
Leverage the scheduling capabilities of DataCamp Workspace to automatically report on business metrics with insightful visualizations
Filip Schouwenaars
5 min
How I Saved Months Automating My Reporting with DataLab
Discover how Will, a Data Analyst at Starting Point, built his data skills using DataCamp and then automated his reporting using DataLab, saving him weeks of effort.
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Data Visualization with Power BI
Learn how to analyze and display data using Power BI and make better, more data-driven decisions.
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Get Started Analyzing Survey Data with SQL & Python
In this introductory session, you'll explore a survey on business innovation. The focus will be on principles of analyzing survey data, and you'll write some simple SQL for calculations and simple Python for data visualizations.
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Using DataLab in Data Academies
Learn how to use DataCamp Workspace as part of a corporate training program
Filip Schouwenaars
Analyzing Google Sheets Data in Python
In this session you'll learn how to use DataLab to seamlessly access Google Sheets data and analyze the data with Python. Practice with exploratory data analysis tasks like crunching numbers and drawing visualizations for Google Analytics data.
Filip Schouwenaars